- T W E N T Y F O U R -

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~ Technos pov ~

It was now the end of the day and I was waiting for Tommy at the front of the school just like we planned, he finally emerged from the crowd of people leaving through the doorway.

"Hi Techno" He greeted me.

"Hey Tommy, did you like it?" I asked while turning down my music slightly.

"It was alright, wheres Wilbur?"

"He should be here soon, he told me about you going out at break y'know?"

A wave of fear took over his face "You're not gonna tell Phil are you?"

"No I'm not buddy, just make sure it doesn't happen again" I assure him "or just make sure Wilbur doesn't see, he's a snitch"

"So he will tell?"

"He probably will if you do it again but I won't, so don't worry about that"

"That's good then, I don't need to get in any more trouble like last year"

"Yeah" I let out a small chuckle "did you get out through that fence in the field"

"Y-yeah why?"

"I made it with my friends a couple of years ago"

"Really?" I nod at his question "Thanks, that chocolate was really good, wouldn't of been able to get it without you"

I laugh at his comment and ruffle his hair "Come on, let's go find Wilbur"

"There he is!" He pointed to Wilbur standing with Sally.

"Yeah let's go over to him"

We both walked over to the couple and greeted them, me and Tommy walked behind as the other two stayed in front of us holding hands as they walked.

"Techno?" I turned to Tommy "Why don't you have a girlfriend?"

"Because I don't care about that at the moment Tommy"

"Are you gay?" He asked "I mean- I don't care if you are but are you?"

"No Tommy I'm not gay, and if I was I'd make sure you'd be the first to know"

"Aw thanks Techno" He smirked "Have you ever had a girlfriend?"

"Yes, can we end this conversation now?"


"Because Tommy, I don't want to talk about it" I reply slightly agitated and beginning to raise my voice.

"Come here Tommy, stop pestering poor Techno" Wilbur interrupted us.

"I was only asking"

His voice went quieter as he walked inbetween Wilbur and Sally, I mouth a thanks to him before turning the music up on my phone and continuing to walk behind them. I heard them talking but I couldn't decipher what they were saying, they were all just mumbled words as my music was too loud.

After another five minutes of walking we finally arrived home, Tommy went inside first throwing his shoes on the floor then Wilbur and Sally followed after him leaving me last and the the person to shut the the door behind us all.

"What's up Techno?" Dad asked me as I walked through the living room.

"Nothing" I mumbled before going up to my room.

I heard them all talking downstairs but ignored it, I was already exhausted from school somehow and Tommy made it worse by stressing me out.

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