- O N E H U N D R E D & F O R T Y O N E -

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cw/tw - description of abuse

~ third person pov ~

"tommy if it is her you're safe, no one is gonna hurt you here" she tells him.

"she said she'd hurt me and everyone i love if she goes to prison" he admits as he looks down with tears threatening to fall "i don't want that to happen"

"i promise you tommy that nothing is going to happen to you, i'll make sure of it just please co-operate when the police get here"

"whatever" he sighs.

"what about steve? did he do anything to you?"

"no" he shakes his head "he's nice, i don't know how he doesn't know but he didn't do anything"

"alright, how are you feeling?"

"my chest is hurting less" he shrugged "how long will i be here for?"

"i don't know tommy but i just want to make sure you're okay"

he sighs "yeah yeah i'm fine but will i be back in care now?"

puffy already knew they likely answer but didn't say it "i don't know at the moment, we'll have to talk to the police first"

"please don't make me go back to her" tommys bottom lip quivered "i don't want to please puffy, please" the boy begged.

this brought a tear to her eye "i promise i won't tommy, i'll do everything i can, i'll speak to the police as soon as they get here"

just as she said that the police were at the door which was such a strange coincidence yet a lucky one, as soon as puffy spotted them she got up out of her seat while giving tommy a quick smile before leaving the room to greet them.

"mrs. puffy?" one of them asked reading off his notes.

"yeah" she nodded.

"i'm officer davies and this is officer jones from the child abuse investigation unit, you're thomas' social worker is that correct?" she nodded once again "is it alright if we ask him a few questions"

"of course but be careful with him, he's still shaken up" she states "also if you want to get anywhere with him call him tommy instead of thomas"

"alright thank you" the man nodded "you can come in if you like, it would be better if he had someone familiar with him"

"alright" she replied while stepping inside the child's ward room once again "tommy this is officer davies and officer jones, they're here to speak to you"

tommy gulped and just nodded, the two officers could see how frightened the boy was and decided to play it safe by staying a distance away from the boy.

"hi tommy, we'd just like to ask you a few questions, is that alright?" officer jones asks and he nods "if you feel uncomfortable at any time you can take a break okay?" the boy nods again.

officer davies begins "so tommy, what was lisa and steve like at first?"

"they were nice" he muttered "steve didn't know though"

"didn't know what tommy?"

"about lisa hitting me, he was nice but she wasn't"

"what did lisa do to you tommy?"

"she hit me a lot, when i came home from school i'd go upstairs and it's soundproof up there so she'd come upstairs and beat the shit out of me"

tommy didn't want to tell them all this, he didn't want to be vulnerable like he was in that moment but he knew it would be worth it in the long run.

"when was the first time it happened?"

"the first week, i got in trouble at school and she told me that if i tell anyone and she goes to prison she'll get someone after me"

"i can assure you tommy that it won't happen"

he just nods and continued "she kicked me in the stomach a few times and then she left me there, i could hardly move and the one time she punched me in the eye not long ago, i had a black eye when i went to school and they phoned home which made it even worse" a tear fell from his eye as he tried to stop reliving the moment "i think that when my ribs got broken, it hurt a lot and i couldn't breathe, that's why i passed out, it all got to much"

"what about the two other kids, did she ever hurt them?"

"no" he shakes his head "she only ever went for me, she'd send me up to my bedroom and say she'll be up later, i stayed in the attic so no one could hear me. i didn't make a noise anyway but if i did it wouldn't matter"

"did she do anything else to you tommy?"

"no" he shakes his head "she just hit me, but i was naughty at school so it was my fault, don't get her in trouble, it was my fault"

"none of this was your fault tommy, it's her fault and you won't see her again soon, thank you for this information tommy, this will really help the investigation" the two officer stood up and turned to puffy handing her a piece of paper "if either of you need anything please feel free to ring this number, we'll be in touch soon"

"thank you officer:" she nodded.

"no problem" they nodded back.


quick update before i head off to sleep,
have a good day/night wherever you are
and remember to drink some water and
eat something <33

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