- N I N E T Y T W O -

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~ philza's pov ~

"boys! foods ready!" i shout.

techno comes down the stairs with wilbur following not far behind him but tommy was no where to be seen.

"can one of you go get tommy?" i ask.

"i'll go" wilbur says as he turns around and begins heading back up stairs.

"so whens tommy going?" techno asks as he sits down.

"i'd rather not talk about it" i respond.

"well that's great, so we get to know nothing now because you'd 'rather not talk about it' that's bullshit"

"techno calm down, i hardly know anything at the moment either and i don't know why it matters to you anyway"

"maybe because he's our brother and he's going away and the only time we will probably speak to him is on the phone which is hardly a phone anyway, have you seen that piece of junk? it's all smashed up it's hardly alive and then after that he's gone!" techno raises his voice.

"i know mate and it's hard for all of us to see him go but taking it out on me isn't going to do anything an-"

wilbur interrupted us as he came into the kitchen "tommys not up there and his windows open"

"shit" i mutter "any of you got your phones on you?"

"i have" wilbur says pulling it out of his pocket.

"alright ring him and tell him to come home" i sigh.

i prayed that he hadn't run away. but why would he climb out of the window if he wasn't running away? if he really wanted to stay with us why would he do this?

"was his bag in his room wilbur?" i ask.

"yeah i remember seeing it on his bed" wilbur nods.

"thank god"

"tommy" wilbur says down the phone "where are you?"

i could hear tommys voice through the speaker but i couldn't tell what he was saying as i was too far away.

"could you come home please? we were worried" wilbur then nods as tommy speaks "okay when you get home there's food here waiting, bye"

wilbur ends the phone and i speak up "where is he?"

"he didn't say where he went but he'll be home in like ten minutes he said"

"alright you two eat up"

"are you not eating anything dad?" techno looks up.

"no i'll have something later, gonna go wait for tommy"

"okay, he's not gonna come any quicker by you looking out the window" he replied bluntly, something was up with him.

"i know but i want to make sure he gets home safely, is that a problem for you techno?"

"no i'm just stating the obvious"

"yeah well sometimes i don't need you to comment on everything i do"

"shut up" he mutters loud enough for me to hear it.

"what did you say?" i turn around.


"you sure?"

"yes" he huffed while standing up "i'm going upstairs"

i don't even say anything back i just go to the living room window and look out for tommy, i didn't know what was going on with techno but i knew as soon as tommy was back safe i would talk to him.

around five minutes later tommy arrived back and i greeted him "where have you been tommy?"

"i just went out and my friend was there" he murmurs.

"yeah that's fine mate but i don't understand why you had to climb out the window, you had me worried"

"i'm sorry"

"it's fine, go get something to eat with wilbur"


i followed tommy through to the kitchen before separating from him and heading upstairs to technos room, it was quiet in there but that's not a surprise it usually is anyway.

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