- F O R T Y O N E -

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~ Wilburs pov ~

I leave the building with Sally as we hold hands, we stand by the doors waiting for Tommy to get her as he's supposed to walk home with us. I knew Techno would've gone home because he had no lessons this afternoon so I didn't have to wait for him.

I pulled out my phone and rang Tommy as I was confused on where he was, surprisingly he picked up quite quickly.

"Ello?" He answered.

"Tommy where are you? We're waiting for you" I ask.

"Oh, I'm at home" I could hear the smirk through the screen "Also whose 'we'? Technos already home"

"I mean me and Sally, anyway why you at home?"

"Got in a fight and they sent me home, anyway when can I meet Sallys dog?"

"One sec" I pull my phone away from my ear and turn to Sally "He's still talking about Bear"

"Oh, well he can come and see her tonight if he wants" She smiles.

I put my phone back to my ear "You hear that Toms?"

"Yeah I did" I heard him moving around on the other end "PHIL CAN I GO TO MEET SALLYS DOG!?"

"Jesus Tommy no need to shout" I tell him "I'll be back in like ten minutes"

"Alright, BYEEE" He screams down the phone as I hang up.

Sallys giggles quietly "Where is he then?"

"At home, got in a fight" I roll my eyes as we begin walking.

"Just like Techno isn't he?"

"Yup" I nod.

~ T I M E • S K I P ~

We arrive back home and I see Tommy sitting on the couch smiling as soon as we walk in.

"You look very happy for someone who's been in a fight Tommy" I tease him while throwing myself down on the couch next to him as Sally sat next to me.

"Whatever, I battered him" He sighed.

"Oh yeah, I bet you did" I joke.

"Hey! Even ask Techno he was there"

"I know Tommy I'm joking, who did you fight anyway"

"One of the boys I was with the other day when u saw us, he blamed me for getting caught so he fought me"

"Oh yeah what's his name?"


"Isn't that Dreams brother?" Sally adds.

"Yeah I'm pretty sure it is, he better not start anything with me or Techno because of it"

"Who's Dream?"

"Just this boy who caused a lot of trouble for me and Techno not long ago"

"Oh right well I did get him pretty good, Techno said he will probably have some bruises by tomorrow" He chuckled before changing the subject "When are we going to see Bear?"

"We'll go soon okay? Be patient, did Dad say it was alright?"

"Yeah Phil said 'yeah yeah, I'm an old man you can go Tommy, you're the best thing that ever happened to me, blah blah blah"

I chuckle and shove his face away from me "I'm sure he said that Tommy"

"He did!"

"Whatever go get your shoes on then we can leave"

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