- T H I R T Y T W O -

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~ Tommys pov ~

I regretted my decision as soon as I jumped the fence and sprinted away from Tubbo and Phil who was standing by the gate. I continued to run until I came across a woods which I decided to venture into.

As I got further into them I found a rope swing hanging from a huge tree the overlooked a river. I jumped onto the twig that was attached to the string and began to swing, I wasn't sure if it was going to be very sturdy or not but I decided to test it anyway.

And I was perfectly fine.

I hopped off of the swing before continuing to walk on the path, as it became darker I finally reached the end of the track. But the problem was, I didn't know where I was.

I had ended up in a random field that was luckily empty, I wasn't in the mood to be running away from any cows today. It took a while to make my way across the field but when I did, I ended up at an estate. It wasn't the estate that we lived in but it was quite similar, which meant I was in the right area.

I decided to go to a house and knock on a door hoping they would be kind enough to let me use their phone, the only number I have indented into my mind was Mrs. Puffys because of all the times Ive had to ring her to pick me up when I'm in trouble.

I knock on the door and a woman who seemed to be in her fortys answered "Hiya, you alright?" She asked.

"Erm, hi I was just wondering if I could use your phone" I replied hoping she would agree "I sort of don't know where I am and need someone to pick me up, if not it's fine"

"Oh of course, I'll go get my phone now"


She left the door slightly ajar as she went to grab her phone, inside the hallway I could see a plain wall with a few photo frames on there, one of someone I recognised but couldn't quite pinpoint who it was in my mind.

"Here you go" She passed me her phone.

"Thank you so much" I began typing Puffys number into the keypad.

It rang a few times before I hear "Hello!"

"Mrs. Puffy?" I reply.

"Is that you Tommy?"

"Yeah, can you come pick me up?"

"Where are you?"

"Um, I don't know"

"Who's phone have you got?"

"I don't know, some womans"

"Hand her the phone Tommy please"

"Alright" I take the phone away from my ear and hand it to her "She wants to speak to you"

She begins speaking to Puffy and gave her an address which I'm guessing was the address of her house.

She hung up the phone and faced me "She won't be long, would you like to come in or out here?"

"Erm, I'll stay here if that's alright"

"Of course, I'll be back in a minute I'm just gonna put my phone inside"


~ T I M E • S K I P ~

Puffy and Phil got out the car that was parked in front of me and rushed to me immediately "oh god Tommy, we were so worried" Puffy exclaimed.

"Sorry" I shrug not making eye contact.

"It's alright mate, get in the car we'll be there in a minute" Phil told me.

I just nodded before getting into the back seat of the car, as I looked out the window I saw them talking to the woman who waited with me, she seemed quite nice aswell to be honest.

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