- O N E H U N D R E D & F I F T Y F O U R -

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cw/tw - voices & hallucinations

~ third person pov ~

tommy was 'awoken' from his slumber by phil saying his name and shaking him, the truth is that tommy was awake the whole time just like he was in the hospital. he still didn't feel safe here still, although he knew these people and once trusted them dearly he couldn't bring himself to it now.

mable was still in his head saying all these things that weren't true, she was in the corner of the room and anytime he closed his eyes she would talk to him. she would 'warn' him of all the dangers around him and how it's not safe for him to be in the house which made him stay up.

he sat up and groaned to make it look like he was just waking up but it didn't fool phil, he used to wake tommy up daily and he always ignored what phil said and sometimes resorted to hitting him just so he'd leave which never worked but it was worth a try.

"have you even slept tommy?" phil asks taking a seat on the end of his bed.

"what?" tommy forced a yawn out "of course i have"

"don't lie to me, what's up mate?"

"nothing" tommy lied.

phil didn't want to stress tommy out even more as he knew what was going on his head, well he didn't know what exactly was going on his head of course but he just didn't want to put unnecessary pressure on him at the moment.

"okay, how you feeling after last night?"

"better now" he shrugs.

"alright mate just make sure you're getting enough sleep, we all care about you a lot" he smiles "make sure you're ready for when puffy arrives as well please, i've ironed your clothes and they're all in your wardrobe"

"thanks" a small smile grows on the youngers face.

"no problem mate"

and with that, phil walked out of the room leaving tommy alone once again. he decided to ignore mable and actually get out of bed beginning to get ready for the day ahead of him.

he decided to wear a hoodie that was originally wilburs and some plain blue jeans that he usually wears, he looked into the mirror and began detangling the knots in his hair while he rubbed his fingers through his hair.

once he was done he decided to head to technos room to annoy the probably sleeping young man, he walked into the pitch black room with the only light source being the risen sun shining through the cracks of the blinds.

he creeped up on the sleeping pinkette and jumped on top of him, to tommys surprise he didn't wake up. he must have been in a real deep sleep to not wake up from the boy collapsed on top of him.

"technoo" he got up close to the older "wake up, it's time for food!"

techno groaned and pushed the boy off him while rolling over to his side "get out of here tommy"

"noooo" the boy complained before smirking "wake up or i'll be sick all over your bed"

"gross! get out of my room tommy"



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