- O N E H U N D R E D & F I F T Y E I G H T -

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cw/tw - mention of throwing up & binge eating disorder

~ phil's pov ~

i heard the door knock which made he believe it was tommy and puffy, i expected him to just walk straight into the house but i guess not this time.

"hi guys" i smile as i open the door "come in"

the two walked in and tommy took off his shoes but didn't chuck them on the ground like he usually did, he put them back neatly like we were complete strangers to him.

"was it alright?" i ask more directed to tommy but i didn't get a response only a sympathetic look from puffy.

"he should be fine, he's got pills that he needs to take every morning and he only needs to take one" she hands over the bag from the doctors.

"thank you" i nod while closing the door behind her "i just wanted to talk to you about something, if that's alright?"

"yeah of course" she nodded as we walked into the living room and sat down.

i first headed over to the door that leads to the rest of the house and close it so no one else hears "last night when tommy was sick, it wasn't because of nerves or anything" i tell her "he told techno that he was too skinny and needed to eat more so he snook loads of food upstairs last night, then he ate it all and was sick"

"it's probably got something to do with mable and lisa, just keep a close eye on him and make sure he's not eating too much to the point where he's going to throw up but if it progresses more make sure to ring me"

"of course i will, has it ever happened before?"

"not that i know of but mentioning lisa also reminds me that tommys going to have to give a proper statement to the police tomorrow and eventually there's going to be a court hearing, probably in the next few weeks but i'll let you know when i find out"

"who's taking him to give the statement?"

"i think they're going to come here so he's more comfortable, they got a short statement at the hospital off him but they probably want a more detailed one, sorry for dropping this on you at such short notice"

"no it's fine don't worry at all, as long as tommys safe and she gets locked away i'll be fine" i say rather angrily at the last part "what time do you think they'll be coming?"

"it'll be about ten, sorry it's earlier than you probably expected"

"it's alright don't worry, i'll make sure tommys fully awake and ready because i know what he's like"

"hopefully he actually sleeps tonight" puffy says.

"i noticed this morning that he hadn't slept from the bags under his eyes but didn't say anything, has he been like this since he left the house?"

"yeah he only slept when i was next to him so i think he's still scared incase something happens"

"that's awful" i sigh "i can't imagine what's going on in his brain at the moment"

"he's a strong kid, that's for sure"



yooo i finally updated!!

my exams have started and i'm
busy atm so updates really are
not as frequent sorry!!

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