- O N E H U N D R E D & S I X T Y N I N E ;) -

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~ third person pov ~

everyone except tommy knew what this present was and they were so ecstatic about it, phil handed him an envelope and tommy looked confused. he didn't have a clue what was inside but opened the brown envelope up anyway.

he pulled out the white paper and slowly unfolded it, phil, techno and wilbur were so nervous yet so excited. he looked up to a smiling phil and wilbur and to techno who was smirking a little in the corner of his mouth.

"what are you all smiling at?" he asks.

"nothing" phil shakes his head as he continues to grin.

tommy began to read the paper and was confused at first, he had to take a double look at it before continuing reading. he read the word 'adoption' and that completely through him off.

the letter read 'application for an adoption order' this meant that phil had applied to adopt tommy and make him a part of the watson family. he read over it multiple times in shock, all the forms were signed for and ready to be sent to court.

all they needed was to go to court which could take a few months at least, they all knew that but they were still over the moon that they could finally be a legal family.

tommy had tears in his eyes, the day he thought about since he was just a little boy had finally come although he had never thought it would in a million years. a tear dropped down his face and he stood up instantly walking over to phil.

phil stood up with a huge smile on his face, he held his arms open for tommy and wrapped his arms around him making sure not to squeeze to tight and hurt the boys ribs. he felt tommy's tears soaking his shirt slightly but he didn't mind at all.

"thank you phil" tommy said into his shirt although it was muffled phil understood what he said and responded with a short "of course mate"

the hug was broken apart and tommy was still sniffling, he was still rather shook from everything that had just happened. he couldn't believe he was finally going to be a part of a family after all these years of not having an actual stable home.

"thank you for everything, i can't believe it" tommy manages to say.

"it's no problem mate, you're family adopted or not" phil replied making tommys smile even wider, hearing that made him actually feel worth it.

for so many years he had felt like he was so worthless as he jumped from home to home every month or so but hearing that he is finally apart of a family is just the thing he needed.

he couldn't wait for the court hearing about it, not even a week ago he was in hospital wondering if how far he had come was even worth it as he had no one but now he had everything he need right in front of him.

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