- O N E H U N D R E D & T W E N T Y F O U R -

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~ tommys pov ~

it was my first day of school, i wasn't very nervous as i had done this hundreds of times. i was in my second lesson and it was science, they had put me in a 'behaviour set' so the work was pretty easy if i'm honest.

they must've seen my reports from other schools that they've sent along and decided that i wouldn't be fit in other classes despite my test results being high up. the good thing about this class is that they didn't expect much from you which was great, i could do whatever i wanted and practically get away with it!

i made a friends with all of them in the small class, the one i befriended first is called harry. he seems pretty cool but he does talk about football a lot and i unfortunately don't know anything about it but he plays a PC which is great!

"what games do you play on pc?" i ask.

"um usually gta, cod, forza and whatever i feel like playing" he shrugs "what about you"

"well at my old house i had a pc and i used to play a lot of minecraft"

"minecraft?" he giggled "i played that when i was younger, don't you think it's a little babyish?"

"no i don't think so, it's for anyone really"

"oh well do you have the pc at your new house?"

"no i was in the foster system so it's a new family"

"did you get adopted" i nod shyly because i don't like talking about stuff like this with people "i bet that was good, i couldn't imagine being away from my family and living in strangers house"

i put on a fake smile "yeah well you get used to it once you've been there long enough"

"how long were you there?"

"since i was six, moved around a lot though"

i shuffle uncomfortably in my chair and i think he caught onto that.

"oh right, i won't ask you anymore questions" he sighed "well do you have a pc at your new house?"

"i'm not sure but i'll find out, i know there's an office so there might be one in there"

"well if there is one we can play some games together, you ever played gta?" i shake my head "oh well i can teach you and we can play with my other mates as well, i can introduce you to them if you want"

"sure" i shrug.

shortly after a little bit of chit chat the teacher interrupts us to tell us to put our books away, we both stand up putting our bags on our shoulders and putting the books at the front.

"can we go now?!" harry practically shouts.

"not yet, wait until the bell goes" the teacher replies.

he turns back round to me "you coming?"

"yeah" i nod.

we dart towards the door and got out, i could hear the teacher saying that she's going to write us down and report us but we didn't care. we were too busy laughing to care plus it was only a couple of minutes so they really couldn't do much could they?

i follow him outside to the field and there wasn't many people out yet so we waited for his friends to come out so i could meet them and eventually they arrived. there was quite a few of them as well which was cool, i've never had a big friend group like this.


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