Sebastian Vettel [Our Love In Flowers]

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A/N Welcome to book number two! This one is the first one-shot. I wrote this one around a year ago in german and thought it would be a fitting one for Sebastian. As always, please leave a vote and a comment for some feedback (:


Today is the fourth anniversary of Sebastian and me. We normally don't make a big fuss about it; we only want to spend as much time as possible together and look back at the things we experienced over the last years. Starting the day with a delicious breakfast which contained not only the classic buns with some random topping but also some scrambled eggs with bacon and a plate with some different fruits. After this breakfast Seb has to go to a workout but this belongs to the daily life when you are in a relationship with someone who does a professional sport.

I made myself a relaxes midday and read a book in the hammock in our big garden. When he returned, we left the house together to go on a walk to a lake which is near where we life. Normally we would take our kid with us, but it spends todays with its cool uncle Mick, granting us a childfree day for once.

After the walk we dressed up and went to our favourite restaurant, treating us with the delicious food and some wine. We are not able to come here often but we love the atmosphere and everything else. It is a bit rustical in here and the tables are placed in some niches which gives us some perfect privacy.

On our way back we walk again, giggling like some freshly in love teenagers and stopping from time to time to share a kiss or two. Back home we change clothes into something more comfortable before we cuddle together on the couch letting the evening end just with each other.

Seb looks to me a bit unsure and I know exactly that he has something eroded. Our son has the same facial expression when something has happened and because of these misfortunes are never keep a secret for long in our household.

"Just tell me before you burst." I grin with a teasing tone and nudge Seb lightly into the side. His lips curl up for a second then he grabs behind him and now holds a bit clumsy packed present in his hands. "I know we said we would get each other a present but I needed to give this to you." He mumbles and gives me the package.

It is true, normally we don't gift each other something for our anniversary but he looks at me with wide puppy eyes, which I can't resist anyways and the little anger I felt just disappears. I thank him with a soft kiss and carefully open the paper which is wrapped around the present. It is a book which can't close completely anymore like something is glued inside of it. I open the first page and see a dried flower in the right corner.

She is in a soft pink colour and beneath the flower is a text written in Seb's handwriting.
Then he added a text on the page trough which I read slowly.

This flower stands for the time we got to know each other. We both where unbelievable shy and neither of us wanted to make the next step, not wanting to scare the other away. Holding hands was a milestone at this moment and I remember how red our cheeks where when it happened. Our first kiss was more of a coincidence but who knows how long it would have taken us to come this far.

Smiling I look to Seb who is observing my reactions closely. He is right with what he is writing in this little text. He wanted to give me a kiss on the cheek, but I turned my head in exact this moment and our lips touched for the first time, leading to a soft kiss. I turn the page and look at the next flower.

A pink blossom with almost heart-shaped petals
Red Chamomile-Being in love

After our first kiss we acted like freshly in love teenagers. We were almost glued together and almost never did something alone because we missed the other too much. I was madly in love with you and from time to time my team mocked me and told me that I am exhausting when I am in love and that I should finally tell you how I am feeling. After they talked with me for a long time, reassured me and gave me strength I finally had the courage to tell you about my feelings and luckily you felt the same.

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