George Russell [45+55]

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A/N Wished by Pastelito_Fer. I hope you like it! Going back to university on Monday (:

TAGLIST: LilyHeseltineNew, hannah15_f1, evabsmn, sooph-sooph-sooph, MegTheF1Weirdo, smallmonsterrmoonxxf1

WORDS: 1467

[45]-I don't feel comfortable with you going there on your own.
[55]-I am back home...wait, are you crying?

Standing in front of the bedroom mirror I adjust my clothing a bit, making sure it sits where it belongs to, before I grab some earrings that would look good in combination with my necklace. My make-up isn't too much and rather simple, fitting for the occasion and if I am honest after a night full of dancing it wouldn't stay in place anyways.

"Dressing up?" I look to the side only to spot George leaning in the doorway with a gentle smile on his lips. My heart still flutters at the sight of him, and I hope that it will never stop reacting like this.

"Testing out that new club tonight." I explain where I will go tonight. George isn't too much into clubbing, he does enjoy going to a party from time to time, but he isn't the biggest fan of cameras around him when he decides to get wasted. Because of that, he prefers private parties with his friends over going to different locations every time or even switching clubs during the night.

"Who is coming with you?" George asks curiously even though he doesn't know all of my friends he is still interested in who is going to accompany me during the nights out. He trusts me, doesn't care if I am out with boys, girls, or a mixed group, as long as I am in company, but I don't remember that fact when I speak up.

"No one, maybe some of my friends will join, but they don't know yet." I quickly added the part about friends joining because I knew going out alone wouldn't be something that George liked. Sometimes I even like going out by myself to make new friends, but not everyone is able to understand a mindset like that.

"Hm." George hums, before coming closer, stepping behind me so that I can look at him through the mirror. "I don't feel comfortable with you going there on your own." He mumbles and I need to suppress a sigh. We had this conversation before, and I don't really want to have it again.

"I am a grown woman, George; I don't need anyone to supervise me." I explain to him that there is no need for a bodyguard by my side with the self-defence course I took a couple of months ago. Wanting to be prepared for the worst because even though I rarely get completely wasted, sometimes I still need to get rid of someone.

"I am not talking about supervising, but there are always some strange people, and I would feel more comfortable if you bring someone with you." George tries to explain his reason, but I heard them too often by now and I am not willing to have the same discussion with him over and over again.

"No chance George and now goodbye." I stop him before he can even start his whole lecture, press a kiss onto his cheek, before leaving the bedroom to get my shoes.

"Darling..." I can hear George starting to say something before he stops himself with a sigh. Hesitating for a split moment, before I shake my head and leave the apartment. I want to have fun, no matter if I have friends with me or not and I am sure nothing will happen. George is just way too cautious.

The club looks promising from the outside and many people are lined up to get inside. Luckily, they have different queues, so the people spread out evenly. It doesn't take as long as expected before I can enter, feeling the warm air inside on my skin while the bass already vibrates through my body. Automatically a smile appears on my lips, and I walk over to the bar to get my first drink of the night.

Exploring the club, figuring out which music plays in which rooms and where the toilets are located to make it easier to find them when I am a bit tipsy. Finishing my first drink and returning my cup to the bar before finally entering the dancefloor. I let my body follow the music, swing my hips to the rhythm of the songs and jump along with the other people, when the music gets louder.

I have a lot of fun, drinking some more alcohol, but also water now and then to keep me on my feet. Switching between the different rooms to experience different crowds and I am sure that I will return to this club more often, bringing friends with me to let them experience the fun I have right now.

Just when I have my eyes closed, letting my feet feel the bass under them, someone places his hands on my hips. Quickly I turn around, getting out of his grip and tell him with a stern voice. "Don't touch me!"

He just chuckles and a shiver runs down my spine when he speaks up. "Oh, come on, someone who is dressed like that and moves like you wants to be touched." My clothes are not overly sexy or revealing and I am sure there are people who dance even opener than I do, but unfortunately, this man has picked me out of all these people.

"Not from you." I tell him because the only one I would dance this close with is George who is obviously not here right now. Just when I think he will leave a second voice speaks up.

"Would you like my touch more?" Goosebumps spread on my body, and I need a moment before I am able to straighten my shoulders.

"I will leave now." I say with a stern voice, before leaving the two men with quick steps, walking over to the security to stay there for a moment to make sure no one is following me. Explaining to the nice security that nothing bad happened and that I just want to wait here for a bit, to scare them completely off. When my heartbeat gets slower again, I leave the club, taking one of the cabs that are waiting in front to pick up some of the partying people.

"Oh, you were so right George." I mutter to myself, hating the fact that going out alone didn't go as smoothly as usual and that company would have been better. Looks like I owe George an apology as soon as I am back home.

I pay for the cab, before entering the apartment, flicking the light on and ask for my boyfriend. "George?" He doesn't react so I start looking around, but he is nowhere in the apartment, looks like he left as well. After a look into the hallway, I realise his shoes and keys are not there and this means I have to wait for him to come home.

I change my clothes to something comfier, take off my jewelry before getting rid of the last bit of makeup and sit down on the bed to wait for George. While I wait, I slowly realise how close the situation in the club was. If these men wanted to do something to me, they easily could have done it. Tears rise to my eyes and my lower lip starts to tremble. I can't hold back the tears and just let them fall while my body shivers at what happened in the club.

When I hear the front door open, I quickly get up from the bed. "George?" I ask, before slowly making my way to the hallway, knowing I look like a mess, but I need a hug from George right now.

"I am back home...wait, are you crying?" George realises that tears are on my face, and I am sure my eyes are already bloodshot. Before hesitating any longer, I wrap my arms around George, bury my head in his chest and continue to cry when he wraps his arms around me in return.

"I'm sorry." I manage to whisper close against his shirt and George's grip gets tighter.

"Hey, don't cry." He mutters, softly swinging us from side to side to calm me down.

"I should have listened to you." Are the next rather cryptic words that leave my lips.

"Did something happen?" George asks carefully and I don't really want to say too much about what happened at the club because it felt like it wasn't really that much.

"Not that much." I mumble and George sighs. "But enough to make you cry." A soft cry leaves my lips and George just pulls me closer against his chest again.

"Shh, you're safe with me." He promises and instead of beating in fear my heart starts to flutter softly again just because of George.

"Thank you." I whisper and I will probably be forever thankful for having him by my side. 


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