Liam Lawson [100]

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A/N Wished by Mi1234ll. Had a little writers block and this chapter killed a lot of my nerves but I finally managed to finish it. I hope you like it!

TAGLIST: archivebooks cuteanimalsssss tomstoryholland

WORDS: 2717 (got carried away)

WARNINGS: NSFW (protected sex)

[100]- I'm going to fuck you in front of the mirror, I want you to see how pretty you look when you're spreading those legs for me

"Liam!" I squeal with excitement when my boyfriend of several years enters our shared apartment after being away for some RedBull duties for the last couple of days. Letting my book fall onto the couch I jump up and sprint to the hallway where Liam is just getting out of his shoes.

"Seems like someone missed me." He laughs and just a second later I am in his arm, wrapped with love and finally by his side again. My arms lay around his torso, keeping him close to me while I sight happily, finally we are reunited.

"Of course, I missed you." I mumble into his hoodie, his familiar scent in my nose and I feel my muscles relax just because of his presence. During the lockdown Liam and I spend a lot of time together and after his busy lifestyle as a racing driver started again, we had some problems with being separated.

"I missed you too." Liam presses a gentle kiss on top of my head and tightens his arms for a moment before he finally let's go of me to give me a kiss. His fingers push my chin up and I lean my head close to his to connect our lips for a tender welcome kiss. There is no need to rush, we have the whole evening, and the next days would be also just for us.

"I need to shower, I hate the smell of the airplane on me, plus my neck is killing me." Liam mumbles, his head still close by mine, not willing to pull it completely back. It's one of Liam's habits that he always has to shower when he comes home after a flight no matter how short it was or how late he is arriving in the apartment. He has woken me up several times, but I never managed to be mad at him for it.

"Fancy a massage when you are out of the shower?" I offer him because I know that if his neck is tensed to much, he gets a headache and when Liam gets a headache he is always whining and doesn't want to leave the bed. Not that I would complain over a day in bed, but I would prefer it without his constant sights about the pounding in his head.

"That would be awesome love." Liam beams widely and I need to smile back at him because when his lips curl up a warm feeling spreads trough my veins, making it impossible not to show him a sign of happiness.

"I make everything ready and will wait for you." I promise him and stand on my tiptoes to press a kiss onto his lips. Just when I want to pull back, Liam holds me close to his body and keeps kissing me. Pecking some kisses on my lips before lingering there for a little bit longer.

"Maybe a massage now and a shower together afterwards?" A smirk is visible on Liam's face, and I giggle softly because I know exactly what he is up to. But I will not grant him his wish directly. He will get a massage of his neck and we can just follow the cravings of our bodies afterwards.

"Let's go to the bedroom then." I finally detach myself from Liam before I walk over to the bedroom, looking over my shoulder to see if Liam follows me and only then enter the room. The shutters are almost closed because it was a really hot day and I didn't want the room to heat up too much, dipping it in only soft lightning but still enough to properly see each other.

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