Kimi [Coffee]

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A/N Wished by Sissi_Styles. I hope you like it! The one-shot is another rather short one because I didn't know how to make it longer with this prompt, plus Kimi and Fernando where rather hard to write for me. 

WORDS: 519

[48]- If I don't get my coffee soon someone ist going to die

Sitting in Kimi's private room in the motorhome of Alfa Romeo, you work on your laptop trying to get some stuff from your to-do list done while you wait for Kimi who should return soon from his interviews, he has to do on media day. You know that his mood will not be the best right after the interviews but since you know him for a long time now you know exactly how to cheer him up.

"Stupid media always asks me the same stupid questions every week. Why don't they just copy and paste it and only change the location of it?" Kimi comes into his private room complaining about the interviews he just had to do for media day and a soft smile spread on your lips when you watch him pacing up and down while some more curse words leave his lips.

Kimi probably says more words in this short amount of time than he did in all the interviews combined. He was never a huge fan of being interviewed but when the questions repeat themselves from week to week or even worse from interview to interview, he gets even more grumpier about them. When they let children ask questions, he enjoys it much more and loves to make the little people happy with answering everything they would like to know.

"Rough morning?" You ask him when he finally stopped with the up and down pacing and sits down on the small table which is placed in his private room. Kimi rubs with two hands over his face, calming himself down a bit even though he could rant endlessly over how stupid he thinks the media is. You save the file on your laptop, turning all of your attention to your husband of many years.

"Yes, and if I don't get my coffee soon someone is going to die." Kimi mutters, making you laugh at his words. You know how Kimi's mood could drop if he is not able to drink enough coffee especially on media days or in general when he had a rough day. Coffee seems to be his escape from reality, granting him some quiet minutes he can enjoy just for himself.

"Lucky you that your wife already got one for you." You grab into your bag, pulling out a thermos can in which you filled enough coffee for the both of you to share and spend some time together. Kimi has some mugs in his rooms, so you grab two of them with the black coffee before you give one of them to Kimi. Sitting down again you can already see that Kimi's mood is lifted by the mug which is filled with the black gold.

"Indeed, lucky me." A smile spreads on the lips of the Iceman before he takes a sip of his coffee, sighting at the familiar taste of it and he can already feel how his body slowly relaxes and he shoves all the negative thought about the media to the back of his head, trying just to concentrate on the time he has with his wife now.

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