Arthur Leclerc [54]

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A/N Wished by Beautjeee__. I hope you like it!

TAGLIST: novaeblu3, thorsaluaka, User185372929notaveryy

WORDS: 2287

WARNINGS: NSFW (oral male receiving, fingering)

[54]- "I don't know what to do." "Let me teach you."

When Arthur and I started dating we agreed on keeping it to ourselves for the beginning. Not even tell friends and family until Charles found out about us by accident and told his second brother and mother right away. They were thrilled for Arthur and so we decided to invite them over to Arthur's for dinner so I could properly meet them.

Together Arthur and I prepared a simple dinner, nothing too fancy because I was way too nervous to create something special while Arthur was rather a mess in the kitchen as always. We still managed to present something when the Leclerc family arrived, and everything went well.

After the first nervousness disappeared, I managed to laugh with them, answer questions without stuttering and slowly but surely, I felt like I belonged to them for longer than just a few hours. When the evening had come to an end, we hugged each other goodbye, and the Leclerc family left Arthur and me to give us some private time.

"Finally, we have some time alone." Arthur sighs, pulling me into his arms, leading to a soft giggle leaving my lips. We were a bit hesitant to show affection while his family was there, and it seems like Arthur needs that hug right now.

"Don't like to share me?" I ask him, with a tilt of my head, already knowing what his answer will be before he can huff out a "No."

"Good for you that everyone left and that I will stay a bit longer." I reassure him, looking up at his face, only to see him hesitating a bit. Just when I want to ask if something is wrong Arthur speaks up.

"Even overnight?" He asks and I am maybe a bit surprised because he never asked me to stay the night. Not that I didn't want to sleep beside him, wake up in the morning with him and just have more of him in general, but I felt like he wasn't ready for me staying here.

"If you want to." I tell him, indicating that I don't have any problem with staying here for longer than planned. A bright smile appears on Arthur's lips, and he tightens the hug even more.

"Not planning on letting you go." Warmth spreads through my body and I am a lucky woman to have him as mine,

"Fine." I sigh playfully like he is keeping me hostage against my will. We wander back into the living room, laying down on the couch to cuddle a bit and even though this is something we do regularly tonight it feels extra special, maybe because of the first sleepover.

"Kiss?" Arthur asks and since I would never deny this to him, I simply pull him closer by the neck to connect our lips. Softly brushing them over each other first, before gently deepening the kiss. Fingers getting tangled in his hair, while his hands grip onto my waist, pulling me closer like he is afraid of me getting further away from him.

Without thinking too much of it I let my hands wander, fingers brushing down Arthur's chest, making little sounds leave his throat and so I just continue. Reach the hem of his shirt, letting my fingertips brush under it before I can feel Arthur tense up. He pulls his head back, mumbles a "Wait" and I immediately remove my fingers from under his shirt when he sits up.

"Arthur?" I ask confused when he doesn't look into my eyes, and I worry if I did something wrong.

"Hey, is everything okay?" Sitting up to be on his height again doesn't help at first, but after a few seconds, Arthur whispers something, making my heart clench.

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