Lando Norris [Kitchen Disaster]

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A/N A little shot with Lando. I hope you like it!

BOOKS with him:
Learning to Love

TAGLIST: LilyHeseltineNew LilitzLilac63 archivebooks natalkaf1 enahb8 FrannHolland ZahraaBilal thexgirlxxx sssaaaaraaahhh amelia_bianchii milkandchillis Elizabeth100306 esservega butyouplaying summer00lala masonmouse rubyleclerc Jolixoxo LibbyMae12345 cuteanimalsssss tomstoryholland Kathy-4

WORDS: 970


Stressed I search for the keys of my cars which are never where I thought I placed them on the day before. I need to start driving in a maximum of five minutes or else I will be late for work and that's nothing I would look forward to. Just when I find the keys in a shoe, however they ended up there, the door of the bathroom opens and Lando steps out of it.

A towel wrapped around his waist and for a second my eyes are fixated on his upper body, forgetting that I wanted to leave and look at him instead. His voice is what rips me out of my trance just a few seconds later.

"I had an idea." He says happily with a grin on his lips.

The "Oh no." leaves my lips quicker than I wanted it, but Lando's ideas tend to be not the best and I probably wouldn't be happy with this one either.

"I promise this time it is a good one." Lando still has this optimistic smile on his lips, and it looks like he isn't mad that I already don't like the fact he has an idea.

"You know what? I think I don't want to know, and I have to leave for work anyway." Quickly I brush off Lando's try of speaking up because he would tell me in an endless monologue what he wants to do otherwise.

"Please don't burn down the house." I say with a grin, give him a quick kiss, and disappear through the door to finally get to work.

A couple of hours later I am tired and, on my way, back home. Today was exhausting and I am really happy that the workday is finally over. On the inside, I hope that Lando just forgot his idea and didn't do anything stupid because I have no nerve for something like this right now.

With a bad feeling, I open the front door and instantly smell something burnt from the kitchen. Oh no, I just want some peace and quiet. With more force than necessary, I close the door and two seconds later Lando's head peaks out of the kitchen door.

"We have a problem." These are his first words to me and he pulls his face into a grimace. Sceptical I lift my eyebrow. Which one of us did something, him or I?

"No, you have a problem, I have an idiot that causes them." I say and try to walk past him into the kitchen.

Lando covers the door as well as possible, not letting me get in. I tilt my head slightly to the side before speaking up.

"You know that I will find out sooner or later and now move to the side." Pressing my hands against his chest I want to push him away, but Lando doesn't move a bit.

"Promise me you're not getting angry." Lando pleads and places his hands on my shoulders. I sigh, why does he have to look so cute when asking for something?

"Maybe if you explain what your thought process behind it was." I offer him a compromise and with a mumbled "Deal" he lets me into the kitchen. With an open mouth, I look over the chaos. Everywhere are pans and pots dirty in different kinds of ways. In the sink there is something burnt smoking and the trash can is more than full.

"Lando!" I start outraged, but he quickly stops me.

"You've said you are not going to be angry when I explain it." Lando says and lifts his finger in a teaching manner. I roll my eyes, cross my arms in front of my chest, and wait for his explanation.

"Well, I'm curious and listening." I try to say as friendly as possible, but Lando has known me long enough to hear the amount of sarcasm I have put in these words and so I get a quick grin.

"So, I wanted to make you happy. You work long and, in the evening, you are always tired. Most of the time you cook something even though you can barely keep yourself on your feet. Our shared time suffers from this because I only see you early in the morning and when you come home, we can't do anything. Because of that, I wanted to cook for you so we could share some more time, but unfortunately, everything went wrong. The water cooked over, I put too much salt in the sauce and in the end, I burnt everything. Before I could clean up you returned and well. That was my idea from this morning and it wasn't as good as I thought it would be." Lando's eyes are on the ground, and I need to think of an answer first.

"Right now, I don't know if I want to kiss you or push you off a bridge." I start with how confused my mind is right now. On the one hand, is his cute idea but on the other hand is my ruined kitchen.

"Can I pick?" Lando asks with a cheeky smile which makes me laugh.

"You're an idiot, you know that?" I ask him and wrap my arms around him.

"I know." Lando mumbles and gives me a sweet kiss before he looks at me guilty. "I am sorry that I ruined our kitchen. Going to start cleaning up right away." Lovingly I look up to him.

"It's okay. This time your idea was sweet, and I will help you to fix this chaos." I calm him down and now he smiles happily.

"I love you." He whispers, making the hug a bit tighter and I need to smile against his shoulder.

"I love you too, but please stay away from my kitchen from now on."

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