Max Verstappen [18]

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A/N Wishedy by anna131107. I hope you like it!

TAGLIST: LilyHeseltineNew Maryletomlinson natalkaf1 cosmicless auguriaep MegTheF1Weirdo ALCAH94 landochamps_f1 imlikeeveryoneelse EstefGR21 

WORDS: 1506

[18]-Where did you get those bruises?

Race weekends with Max are always an adventure, seeing different countries since you are not as occupied as a racing driver and actually able to explore the city at least a little bit. You still want to support your boyfriend while he is on track and not only use him to travel the world. A fact that makes these weekends a little bit stressful is that the public doesn't know anything about your relationship.

Well, they didn't know about it until today. Usually Max and you are really private, entering the paddock alone to make it seem like you do not know each other. You aren't in the garage during the race either to prevent being seen by the cameras and when you leave the track you don't see Max until you are both back at the hotel. Still, people figured out your relationship, found pictures of you together and because of this the internet is blowing up.

You do not think that Max knows this yet and you are not going to tell him, only wanting to spend a cosy evening together. Snuggled into his chest while a movie is playing on the television. Currently you make yourself a little bit mor comfortable in the bathroom. Putting on some joggers and rolling your hair up into a bun, no longer need to be styled because it is only Max and you.

"Cuddles?" Max asks you, stretching his arms out already to make some space for you between them. "Always." You giggle before you let yourself fall onto the bed, cuddling yourself into Max arms, head in the crock of his neck, smelling his individual scent. It surprised you in the beginning that Max loves to cuddle, but he is almost every time the one to ask for a hug or some time where you just closely lay together.

"You are cold." He mentions when your nose touches his neck, and he has to suppress a little shiver when your cold skin touches his warmer. Since Max just took a shower, his skin is still warm and he rarely feels cold anyways, a bonus for you since your hands are constantly freezing.

"It is pretty chilly outside and I was walking home from the paddock." You hum an explanation why your skin is as cold as it is and think that this part of the conversation will end here, but Max would not be Max if he hasn't something to add to this.

"Why did you walk? You shouldn't wander around in an unknown city. At least not alone." Max says, worried that you get lost or even worse hurt when you walk around in a city you do not know. There are always some strange people around, but the walk was short and since it isn't dark outside, yet you didn't see any problem with walking to the hotel from the paddock.

"Needed some free space, the paddock was pretty crowded today." Is your statement because you needed the walk home instead of taking a taxi or public transportation. Since you don't have a driver's licence it is not possible for you to get a rental car and you don't want to occupy any team member of RedBull by having them to drive you around.

"Don't worry, I got here safe and now I am with you who will protect me from the monsters under the bed." You try to calm down Max and lift your head for a moment to look into his eyes. Max rolls them at your comment with the monster, but then he can't suppress a little smile. Pressing a kiss onto his lips, before you snuggle yourself against Max's chest again let happiness roam through your body and you couldn't be more relaxed right now.

Max hand brushes over your side from time to time, not thinking about anything and both of you just let your thoughts wander around. Moments like this are not as frequent as you would like them too, but this is what you signed up for being in a relationship with a racing driver. His fingers ride up your shirt a little bit and you don't think too much about it, but Max freezes in his movements.

"Where did you get these bruises?" He asks, voice low but still so full of emotions. Worry about you and at the same time a bit of anger towards the person who is responsible for this. Max knows that you can be a bit clumsy, but the placement and the size of these bruises makes him sure that there was another person involved.

I..." Your mind flashes back to the moment where you received this bruise. Eyes watering slightly just by the thought of it. Shivering, you try to get closer to Max, who tightens his grip a little bit, still aware not to put any pressure on the bruise since it has to hurt a lot.

"Love, you're trembling. What happened?" His voice is soft, giving you, a safe feeling and you think about a way of telling him how this happened. You don't want to say it straight away, slowly checking if he is aware of the fact what is blowing up the internet right now.

"Did you check Instagram or twitter after the race?" You ask, maybe he does know and didn't want to talk about it right away, giving you some time together before speaking about it. "Not really." Max wrinkles his forehead in confusion, not sure what social media has to do with your bruises.

"They found out about us." You reveal to Max that you are no longer a private couple and that everyone knows about you now. That you didn't have the chance to decide yourself when you want to make any post together. People just decided for you, probably spreading rumours already and you feel nauseous by just the thought of what they are writing.

"What are you trying to say?" Max tenses up under you and you brace yourself for his anger, which wouldn't be towards you but still will be bubbling under his skin. "A lot of people aren't happy with it." Your mumble, before you decide that it is time to tell him the truth about your walk back home.

"A group waited for me, called me names and pushed me around. I hit something with my back, which is where the bruise comes from." You say, voice breaking at the end, and you feel a thumping pain in your bruise just by the thought of how it was created.

"Fuck!" Max curses, his free hand hitting the mattress to let out some of his anger and you know it is not directed to you, but you still feel uncomfortable around him when he is bubbling with anger. "Why didn't you tell me?" He asks you, not happy that you kept something so important from him and you do understand that you should have told him, but the situation scared you.

"Because you get angry." You mumble, not wanting Max to get angry at his fans, even though people like this should not call themselves fans. They should support the driver and shouldn't be saying things about their relationship since it is none of their business. Fans should be happy when the driver is happy and not hate the ones they like to have in their life.

"They have no right to hurt you." Max says through gritted teeth, no one has the right to hurt you, especially not for being in a relationship with him. "You will not walk alone the next time you accompany me to a race." He decides and you sit up, wanting to look at him for the rest of the conversation.

"Max..." You start, because you don't think that this will be the solution for the problem you are facing right now. If there even is a solution. Hiding would not be one too, but you are too agitated right now to think straight about it.

"No, I want to protect you when I can." Max sits up, taking your hands in his since this is really important for him. He was not there to protect you today and for him you are only in this situation because of him anyways. If he wasn't popular, people wouldn't stick their nose into his privacy, and he could be with you in peace.

"Please let me protect you." Max whispers and you take a deep breath. You do not want him to stress about your safety, but it is probably for the best if you stay close to him for the next race. People wouldn't be so bold and attack you in front of Max.

"Okay." You give him the permission and Max leans in to give you a gentle, oh so sweet kiss onto the lips which tastes like a promise. A promise of him to never let you get hurt again and for a moment it feels like this is the truth. 


Votes and comments would brighten up my (very cold) day (:

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