Théo Pourchaire [63]

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A/N Wished by LilyHeseltineNew. I hope you like it!

TAGLIST: rubychilwell

WORDS: 1095

[63]-I am pregnant

Sitting at the window you look into the distance, trying to distract yourself from your loud thoughts which slowly give you a headache. In your hands is a mug with tea which was hot but already cooled down and you did not even drink more than a few sips out of it. You don't know what to think or how to feel about the situation you are in right now. That you have to talk about it with Théo comes to your mind and it already scares you. Is there even a right way for this conversation is a question you ask yourself.

"Is something wrong mon coeur?" It is the voice of Théo which rips you out of your thoughts. He probably just returned from the factory and is now confused that you have not greeted him like you usually would. Instead of a warm welcome he spots you at the window, looking thoughtful and he is not sure what happened to bring you into this state.

"I..." You start but have to stop immediately because your voice already shakes, and some tears gather in your eyes. There is no other word leaving your shivering lips and Théos eyes widen before he closes the distance between you to pull you into his chest.

"Please don't cry." Théo asks you to, but it is already too late and salty tears stream own your face. You sniffle softly and Théo tightens his grip around you, letting you burry your head in his chest while he whispers soothing words.

"Everything is going to be okay." He mumbles and gently sways you from side to side to calm you down. You take a deep breath before you wriggle yourself out of Théos grip to look at him while speaking your next words.

"I am not sure if you still think this when I tell you what is wrong." You mutter and you mean these words. Now Théo thinks everything is going to be okay, but he doesn't know what is wrong yet and you are not sure if he will think the same when you finally tell him the reason for your crying.

"Don't scare me." There are so many emotions in Théos voice, and he is having endless scenarios in his head what could make you cry and think not everything is going to all right in the future. It wasn't your intention to scare him, but he still wants to make him aware of the fact that not every announcement is going to be something good.

"I was at the doctor because I was feeling unwell for a few days." You start to explain him that you felt unwell for the last few days, suspecting that you just caught a virus you went to the doctor but after some question your doctor asked you if there could be any chance that you are pregnant. First you laughed but then you discovered how the pregnancy could be produced. After some test you had it black on white.

"And?" Théo asks anxious and you chose not to stress his nerves more and come straight to the point of this conversation.

"And I am pregnant." You tell him and observe closely how the expressions on Théos face change with every second that passes. Playing with you fingers you wait for a reaction from him, hoping he wouldn't be angry with you.

"You are...?" He asks in a kind of disbelieve and he has to blink for a few times, making sure he did not imagine your words and that you are indeed pregnant.

"I am sorry Theo." You apologize to the older thinking you put him in a difficult position because a baby clearly was not on his life plan for the next years. It would be a normal reaction if he isn't happy about the news, but Théos face softens at your words.

"Hey, there is no need to be sorry." He mumbles before he pulls you back into his embrace, catching you by surprise because you clearly did not think he would be so calm about what you just told him. You think he would react in any way but not in this calm one he is showing now.

"You are not angry?" You ask him in surprise but relax in his embrace because his reaction helps you to calm down again. Let your heartbeat slow down and your muscles lose their tension. It does surprise you that Théo is not even a little bit angry because a pregnancy is not something simple but a big step in the life of someone.

"Angry? You, we are getting a baby I couldn't be happier." Théo beams with happiness about the fact that he is going to be a dad and that you will have a child in addition to your little family. His grip arounds you tighten, and you finally hug him back, feeling relieved that he is happy about the news and maybe you could stop your worrying now and start to be happy about the news yourself.

"But I have one question, how? We use protection." Is a question Théo has and one you asked the doctor too. Together with the doctor you browsed trough your latest illnesses to find something that could have led to the pregnancy, and you did find something.

"Remember when I had to take the antibiotics? They supressed the effect of the pill and we had a little incident with the condom." You admit that you did not know that the antibiotics will have this effect and usually it would not be a problem because Théo and you use double protection but a few weeks ago the condom ripped. You did not think further about it but now it has led to the pregnancy.

"I remember." Théo nods but does not comment anything further on the incident or something else which includes the pregnancy. But you are still not a hundred percent convinced that he is happy about the news and just didn't realise yet what the consequence will be in a few months.

"And you are really happy about this?" You ask him again after some time faded by and maybe the news have properly come to Théos mind yet, but he still has the same opinion as a few minutes ago.

"Everything that involves you, me and the future makes me happy." Théo smiles leading to butterflies to roam around in you stomach.

Maybe this baby is the perfect next step for the two of you and your relationship.

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