Ollie Bearman

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A/N He was suggested by alelealeooo. Hope you like it!

TAGLIST: hotcuppatea123 LilyHeseltineNew anahispajamaparty icedcoffeelattee

WORDS: 1089

With a sigh, I close my thick history book when the liberating bell which is indicating the end of this school day rings out. As quickly as possible I leave the classroom and bring some things to my locker before I step out of the building. This day was again way too long and even though I am in my last school year I still underestimated the amount of work I have to get done every day.

I walk over to the bus stop because I will have to drive an eternity with public transport before I will be at home. Something that always bothers me, but I don't have my own car yet, plus my eighteenth birthday is still in the future. My gaze is lowered and only when a familiar voice talks to me, I lift my eyes from the ground and immediately start to smile.

"Had a hard day? Maybe I can make it better?" Ollie grins widely and I need to laugh loudly when I fall into his arms. This is a real surprise since I thought he would be out of the country for some more time.

"When...how?" I ask him, not sure what he is doing here but still full of happiness because he is here. It doesn't even bother me that many people are looking at us. Ollie might be just in one of the junior categories of F1, but he is still very popular around here.

"I have some free days and I thought that would be the perfect opportunity to surprise you." He explains while entwining our fingers which each other to lead me to his car. Olli turned eighteen in May and is taking advantage of it as often as possible. Being able to drive alone and explore or just drive his girlfriend around.

A soft sight leaves my lips when I sit down on the seat and immediately Ollie looks over at me.

"Is everything all right?" His forehead is wrinkled with concern because he wonders what could be wrong right now.

"I missed you," I mumble, voice barely audible, and give him a weak smile.

The last weeks weren't easy for us. Our freshly in love hearts wanted to spend as much time as possible together, but we didn't get what we wanted. While Ollie was training and driving his races I nearly drowned in schoolwork which is preparing me for my graduation.

Lovingly Ollie grabs my hand and kisses my knuckles softly. "I missed you too, but right now we can't change anything about it." For a last time, Ollie looks at me but then starts the car and we leave the parking lot. He is right and no matter how much I want to change something now, it will have to wait a few more months.

After some minutes I realize that we aren't driving home but in the opposite direction. Confused I lift my eyebrow and look at Ollie who is just smiling while driving.

"Do you kidnap me or where do you take me?" I ask him with a laugh and turn his attention to me. When he picked me up from school I was expecting him to drive me home and not that we are going somewhere else.

"Call it kidnapping, I call it a date." He grins at me before his gaze is back on the street.

"Kidnapping sounds more dramatic." Is my conclusion that leads to Ollie laughing loudly.

We drive for a few more minutes until Ollie turns the car off the street and onto a dirt road until we reach our destination. He parks the car at the edge of the way so there is still space for others to drive by, even though I am sure no one will be driving along this way.

"Slowly I believe you did kidnap me and now you want to bury my corpse somewhere here." I joke when we leave the car and nothing but a few trees are around us.

When Ollie takes a basket out of the trunk and holds his hand out for me, I realize what he wants to do. "We will picnic?" I ask but already know that the answer is yes.

"Yes, you are always hungry after school and like this, we can spend some time together." Is his explanation while we walk over to one of the trees to sit in the shade. This is a really cute idea and I really look forward to spending time with Ollie.

Under the tree, Ollie spreads out the picnic blanket and we sit down on it. He packs out the basket and presents many different snacks. Curiously I look over the selection and my stomach already growls softly.

With a big smile, Ollie hands me one of the sandwiches and leans relaxed against the tree. Happily, I lean beside him, head on his shoulder and so we sit with each other in silence, just eating and savouring being close to each other.

After we finished eating Olli changes his position, his body laying down on the picnic blanket while his head is placed on my legs so that he can look up at me.

A smile starts spreading on my lips and automatically my hand wanders into his hair, brushing through the dark strands. Sometimes Ollie is like a cat and loves being crawled on the head or over his back.

Relaxed Ollie leans his head in my hand until he opens his eyes to look up at me. Because of the sun, his eyes seem to shine and they look even prettier than usual.

"Your eyes are so pretty." Is the sentence I mumble before even thinking and immediately feel how my cheeks get warm.

"That was cheesy." I laugh and try to hide how embarrassed I am because of this situation. Still not used to being in love with him and that it should feel normal to say things like this.

"I like kitsch." Ollie grins happily and shrugs his shoulders.

"Seems like I am lucky." Is my response, not knowing what else to say, before I lean down to give him a sweet kiss.

With a sigh, we pull back and stay for a little longer under our tree. We savour the time with each other, filling up the batteries a bit while exchanging sweet gestures from time to time.

No matter how long we can't see each other, the time together makes up for it and helps us to strengthen our bond. 

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