Marcus Armstrong [Zoo]

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A/N Well, long time no see. I was really busy with uni stuff but I try to get back into writig now (: Please go to my profile and answer my question, it would help me a lot!

TAGLIST: BassoAlice isssssssa05 JKay2011  masonmouse jade2506 smallmonsterr

WORDS: 1050

A date in the zoo. Some might think this is a boring idea, but others might think it is a fascinating place. Marcus and I are the people who love to go trough the zoo and exclaim different things during the visit. "Oh, this one is so sweet!" "This one looks like you" or "Can I keep this one?" are sentences which are spoken by us on a regular basis. The other people in the zoo always look at us like we are crazy, but we do not care. We only care about having fun.

We always hold onto the hand of the other to not lose the other in the zoo even though it is not that full here, but it is like a habit to have this connection. Especially on a race weekend when it gets hectic it is better to stay connected to not get lost.

"Oh, lets go to the petting zoo." I suggest happily when I spot the wooden sign where some goats are painted, and it points into the direction if the fenced in area. But after my words Marcus does not move anymore. When I want to walk to the petting zoo he stays where he is and with a confused face, I look back to him.

"Do we have to? Can we go to the turtles instead?" Marcus almost whines and it seems like he does not want to get near the goats. Confused I tilt my head to the side. Marcus usually never protests when I suggest an animal, but the petting zoo seems to be not on Marcus's list on things he likes to see.

"Come on, everyone loves the petting zoo." I try to convince him because I never met someone who at least like the petting zoo at least a little bit. Well, apart from the ones who had a bad experience with it.

"I don't." Marcus detaches our fingers and crosses his arms in front of his chest while he shakes his head in addition. "You're weird." Is the first sentence that comes to my mind while a soft laugh leaves my lips.

"No, goats are just my enemies." Marcus keeps his position of not wanting to go to the goats and slowly I think he is one of the people who had a bad experience with them in his childhood.

"Childhood trauma?" I ask him and Marcus nods. "Childhood trauma." His body shivers for a moment when he thinks about his experience with goats. I do understand him because some goats are intrusive and can get very mean if you do not have any food for them. But I gained a lot of interest in these scratchy animals in my childhood.

"Do you mind if I go in cuddle them for a bit?" A pout is visible on my lips, and I look pleading at Marcus. Even though he does not want to come near a goat I want to pet some of the goats and the baby goats while they walk around me.

"Go on." He grins and playfully rolls his eyes. I laugh and walk to the petting zoo, enter it without any hesitation and in a matter of seconds I am surrounded by a lot of goats. When they realise, I don't have any food the loose interest and disappear again, but one stays with me. It is a black goat with white spots all over its body which looks up to me and does not move away.

Carefully I bend down and slowly start to pet its fur. It seems to like it because it leans against my fingers and keeps rubbing itself against my fingers. Grinning I keep petting it and lift my head for a moment to look at Marcus who is standing with a bit of a distance to the fence and looks at the goat with a suspicious look on his face like it is going to jump over the fence and attack him any second.

"You are such a sweet goat." I praise the little ball of fur. "You know, my boyfriend is a bit scared of you." I explain the goat and just like it understands it a little sound leaves its mouth bevor it shakes its body and walks away to get some food.

I stand up, brush my fingers clean on my jeans and walk back to Marcus which awaits me with a soft smile on his lips. "Happy?" He asks me even though he does not understand how someone can like goats as much as I do. "Very happy." I confirm his question with an additional nod and drink a sip out of my water bottle.

"Can we go and watch the turtles now?" Marcus is now the one with a pout on his lips while I start to laugh.

"If this is going to make you happy." "Everything which brings distance between myself and these animals out of hell makes me happy." Marcus mumbles and starts to walk with wide steps away from the petting zoo to finally watch his favourite turtles.

We reach the aquarium and enter the building in which only dimmed lights are on to make it easier to look into the water. There are a lot of people here and because of this I grab Marcus's hand again before we start walking to the area where the turtles are.

For a moment we look at the animals with the shell which swim trough the water and look absolutely relaxed. I love turtles too, but I still wonder why Marcus is so fascinated about them.

"Why do you like turtles so much?" I ask him and turn my head a bit to look at him. He grins mischievously and I know it is a ridiculous reason why he likes them, but I never expected his answer.

"They can be high, and no one notices it." He giggles and I am confused. "What?" I mumble and wrinkle my forehead. Why should turtles be high?"

"Well, in finding Nemo the turtle was high from the jellyfish poison and no one noticed it." Marcus explains and loos at me for a second before his head turns to the turtles again. He waves one of them and I can't contain another giggle which leaves my lips.

"Sure, you Disney princess."

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