Charles Leclerc [45+85]

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A/N Wished by noellemikaelson and novaeblu3. I hope you like it! 

TAGLIST:godblesstheoceanel Writing_C_Project Brazowa_Alpaka LizzieCes donutcakie smilethankstothem MegTheF1Weirdo

WORDS: 1808

WARNINGS: NSFW (oral, female receiving/ handjob, male receiving)

[45]-Ah, your feet are ice-cold
[85]-Don't act innocent, we both know were your mouth was two minutes ago

"Turn it off." I whine when the alarm does not stop and keeps repeating its annoying sound. My hand taps against Charles' chest in an attempt to wake him up from his sleep. The alarm is on his side of the bed, and I am not willing to get up.

"Sorry mon amour." Charles mumbles, voice still hoarse with sleep before he leans over to stop his alarm from ringing. He gives me a kiss onto the forehead and wants to leave the bed, but I grab onto his shirt to hold him back.

"Stay." I mumble and finally let my eyes flutter open to look at Charles. His hair is messily spread on his head and his eyes are still little. Looking as tired as I feel, and I will probably fall asleep again when he leaves the room.

"I have a training session to attend." Charles chuckles softly, his hand gently trying to open my fingers to let go of his shirt. He entwined our fingers for a moment, giving mine a light squeeze before he detaches it again.

"Please?" I pout at Charles, because I know he can rarely resist the sight of me like this. He hesitates for a moment, eyes flickering to the clock, before he lets a sight escape his lips.

"Fine, I'll stay some more minutes." He gives in, snuggling back under the blanket and wraps his arms around me. "Perfect." I smile, head against his chest and pull my legs closer, touching Charles searching for warmth.

"Ah, your feet are ice-cold." He squeaks and tries to get away from me a little bit but stops when the first shock leaves his body. My feet are really cold, and I like the warmth which is coming from Charles' body.

"Didn't have them under the blanket." I explain why I am this cold in comparison to Charles. "Yeah, I can feel that." Charles says and wraps his arms closer around my body and I sight softly, almost falling asleep again, but I want to savour his closeness as long as he is with me and so I decide to do something else.

"Kiss." I demand without sounding harsh and Charles leans down to press a soft kiss onto my lips. He wants to pull after just one, but I hold him close by the neck. One kiss is just never enough.

"I need to get up." Charles tries to explain close by my lips that he needs to get ready for his training session and doesn't have unlimited time for me.

"But I miss you." I whine, not wanting to let go of him while I can observe that his expressions change to a confused one. "I am here?" Charles says, not understanding what I am trying to say.

"Yes, barely having time for me. Our last date was ages ago and we were not intimate for at least two weeks." Saying this out loud takes a huge weight from my chest and I hope Charles understands why this is not the ideal situation for our relationship right now.

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