Yuki Tsunoda [9+45]

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A/N Wished by landochamps_f1

WORDS: 1839

[9]-"When do you think help will come?" "Not for a while, I guess we are stranded here alone for the time being."
[45]-"Ah, your hands are ice-cold" (swapped out feet for hands)

"Yuki, some of us will meet up to play videogames at Max room. Will you come?" Pierre suddenly appears at Yuki and mine dinner table, almost making me flinch because I did not pay attention to our surrounding. Of course, I heard the chatting of the other people in the dining hall, but I was not prepared for someone to join us.

"You can join too." Pierre now offers me, because Yuki is clearly hesitating since I am his guest, and he doesn't want to leave me alone when he is the reason I am here. The words of him surprise me because we only meet a few days ago and I did not think that he would invite me too.

"Oh, I don't want to disturb you." I quickly say because I do not want to be at their play evening when not all of them know me, plus when it is an evening just for the boys to relax and do something normal. Their schedule can be hectic, and they need something to calm down again and I don't want to interrupt it.

"Ah, you don't disturb us. Charles will bring Charlotte and she is probably happy to have another woman there." Pierre laughs happily and I can't think of another reason why I shouldn't attend this evening when there is another girl. I look at Yuki who is waiting for my reaction, not wanting to say something I would not like.

"Okay." I finally give in, and Pierre looks even happier that his teammate will join this evening. These two have a special bond and I am extremely happy that Yuki found such a good friend in Pierre.

"See you." Pierre says goodbye and disappears as fast as he just had appeared, leaving Yuki and me alone again. We finish our food in silence, but it is not this awkward silence rather a comfortable one you can have with a good friend.

"Want to go upstairs?" Yuki asked when both our plates are empty and there is no reason to stay in this dining hall for longer.

"Yes, I need to change my clothes."

"You don't have to change; you look good in this." These words come fast out of Yuki's mouth and a second later he looks like he wants to take them back while I blush because of them. I rarely get compliments and if I get one, I don't know how to react.

"Thank you, but I actually want to change into something more comfortable. Kind of to prepare for a long evening." I explain to him that I don't want to dress up for the others but change into something comfortable because I think they will play for a long time.

"Oh, okay."

"Stairs or elevator?" I asks quickly because I want to change the, a little bit awkward, atmosphere. Our rooms are on the second floor, means we could easily walk but sometimes the elevator is just the easier choice.

"Elevator, I am a lazy person." Is Yuki's choice and I laugh because I could have thought of this myself. Yuki hates everything that has to do with exercising, making me speak out something that came to my mind before when I heard him whining about his training.

"I still wonder how you managed to become a professional athlete."

"Me too." Now we both laugh loudly. At least he is aware of the fact that it is unusual for a professional athlete not to enjoy sport. Just when I want to say something a jolt shook the elevator, and a surprised scream leaves my lips.

"Woah!" Yuki's voice is louder too, and we both hold onto the little railing on the side of the elevator which is not moving anymore. Just the light flickers lightly while my heart races in my chest because I just have seen my life flash before my eyes.

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