Max Verstappen [Kitten]

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A/N Wished by Maryletomlinson. I hope you like it!


[52]-I knew you would end up liking the cat.

Currently being in the bedroom, getting ready for the night, I hear some rumbling out of our hallway. Slowly I tiptoe to the door and look to the little gap, but the hallway is dark, and I can't see a thing. My heart is beating a bit faster against my chest but deep down I know that this is probably Max coming home from his run.

"Max?" I ask into the dark, really hoping that it is him and not some robber who is walking trough the apartment. It doesn't take long for the light to be switched on, to reveal a slightly sweaty Max, who is still a bit out of breath. "Yes, I am home." He finally answers to my question but behaves strangely, having his hands behind his back and not coming to me when I enter the hallway.

"What are you hiding?" I ask curiously and approach him more. Even though his cheeks turn red he mumbles "Nothing." And tries to look innocent when a soft meow comes from behind him. Max tries to cover it up with a cough, but it is too late.

"Since when does nothing meow?" I giggle, already suspecting a cat behind his back because what else would make such sounds. Max sights, before he reveals a little black kitten in his hands, which is not looking happy to be hold up so high. "Surprise." My boyfriend grins and I feel nothing but love when I see the little cat.

"Hey little cutie." I gush and grab the kitten out of Max's hands to press it at my chest. Letting my fingers roam trough, it's soft fur and feeling the vibrations from it's purring. Max and I had look for a cat in a nearby shelter but Max wasn't sure if we should really get one and so we postponed the decision to later, but it seems like he decided to give this kitten a new home.

"Why don't I get a greeting like this?" Max pouts softly, probably feeling ignored from me while I cuddle with the little fur ball. "Oh, I am sorry." I act like I am sorry and turn my full attention to my boyfriend.

"Hey Maxi." I giggle and brush with my thumb over the scruff which is covering his cheek. Max huffs at my behaviour but has to grin afterward because it is what he has asked for. He wraps his arms around me, holding me close to his chest while his eyes observe the purring kitten which seems to be really happy in it's new home.

"What brought you to buy them? You weren't really sure of getting one." I ask him while my fingers still brush trough it's fur, probably not stopping soon and never get tired of it. This little one will keep me company when Max is away again and will probably bring so much joy to our life. Maybe some chaos too but that will only spice up our day.

"Well, it makes you happy and maybe me too." Max admits. He wasn't sure if he could share his home with a cat, but it seems like he is keen of the thought of having a little companion in his apartment.

"I knew you would end up liking the cat." I giggle and look up to Max who is pressing a soft kiss against my temple before he gets the cat out of my hands to hold it up, making it on eye height with himself.

"Don't make me regret it." He tells the cat sternly which just meows another time and almost hits Max with the paw in the face what makes us both giggle in joy. This is going to be an interesting time. 

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