George Russell [Kiss the boy]

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A/N Wished by hannah15_f1. I hope you like it! 

BOOK: I am currently writing a George Russell book in German and wanted to ask you if you are interested in a translation of it? I already asked on my profile but not everyone is following me.


INSPIRATION: Kiss the boy - Keiynan Lonsdale

Sitting on a bench and observing the paddock is an activity which can actually fill up an entire afternoon. My eyes glide over the various people here which either walk around to get somewhere else or stand in small groups, chatting about different stuff. When I spot George, I sight softly and look at him for a bit longer, trying not to stare too obvious.

"When will you stop staring at him and finally confess your feelings?" A familiar voice asks me, making me flinch because I didn't think that someone could potentially talk to me.

"Lando! Don't scare me like this." I moan and playfully slap the Brit who is just a few days older than me. Lando does not say anything to my slap and just sits beside me, looking in the same direction as me and spotting George too.

"So, when will you guys finally be a couple?" Lando asks and looks back to me but I just sight at his question and look into the distance. "Probably never."

"That is not the truth. You like him, he likes you, what is so complicated?" "He likes me, not love me. I am just a friend for him." There is still a difference between liking and loving and you could probably put being in love between these stages of a relationship. Just because George likes me doesn't mean that he wants to have me as his girlfriend.

"You don't have to be afraid of your feelings because I know he feels the same. There is so much tension between you." Lando tries to reassure me, but I am not convinced by his words.

Georges eyes lock with mine for a moment and the smile he offers me sets the butterflies in my stomach free. I try to look relaxed to him, but I nearly let my phone slip out of my hand and let it fall to the ground but manage to catch it what makes him laugh happily and leads to my cheeks turning into a soft shade of red.

"I am scared to show him and everyone else how I feel." I confess to Lando and turn my attention to him to finally stop myself from looking at George all the time.

"Why are you scared?" Lando asks, not to judge but trying to find a solution for my fear and to bring George and me closer together.

"People will talk, and I don't want to worry about whatever they will say to me. And I am scared that he is not feeling the same and that I will ruin our friendship." I explain him and start to play with the laces of my shoe.

"I have some advice for you." The Brit beneath me speaks up again and this time I turn my full attention to him, curious what he will tell me.

"If you want to kiss George you better kiss him right now. Don't be afraid of the words you want to say because they will come right to your mind when you are finally ready to confess. Kiss the boy right now before another person will."

"Since when are you so wise?" I ask him after being speechless for a few seconds. Since when is Lando so experienced with love that he can give advice like this?

"My teammate is an old man." Lando jokes, referring to the fact that Daniel is ten years older than him, making me giggle in you. Daniel is not that old but Lando like to mock him about being already 32 years old.

"What did you say?" Named teammate suddenly asks, standing beneath us without any of us realising that he is listening to our conversation.

"Nothing." Lando almost squeaks and jumps up. "Go and kiss him." He tells me again before he brings some distance between himself and Daniel.

"Are you finally confessing to George?" Daniel asks curiously, making me look really surprise.

"Why does everyone know that we are crushing on each other?" I ask him. Is it really that obvious to everyone else and we two are just blind that we don't see that the other one is liking us too?

"Because it is obvious and now excuse me, I have to kill that little shit of teammate I have." Daniel confirms my thought of us being obviously in love before he disappears too to teach Lando a little lesson because he called him old.

I sight and look back to George who is saying goodbye to the team members he just had a chat with, and this seems to be my chance. Slowly I get up from the bench and walk over to George who spots me when I am just a few steps away from him.

"Hey George." I greet him with a nervous smile and my nervousness doesn't get better because he winks at me and greets me with a playful "Darling." My cheeks turn red, but I look to the ground quickly to shield my face from being seen from George.

"Can we talk somewhere more private?" This is something just between us and I already know that some curious eyes are glued to the two of us. I play with my hands, really hoping that George is really in love with me and that Lando wasn't wrong.

"Of course." George mumbles, before he softly places his hand on my back, leading me to his motorhome where we would have some more privacy. When we reach his room George closes the door behind us and now the nervous feeling in my body reaches its peak.

"Did something happen?" George asks with much concern in his voice, and he approaches me to softly place his hand on my arm.

"Not yet." I manage to breath out and look up to see George frowning at my words. "You are confusing me." He admits, still having some folds on his forehead.

"I am just giving in the love." I mumble and before George can ask me any more question, I carefully place my lips on his. Brushing over them with mine and just gently add pressure to them. After a few seconds I pull back, my heart pounding faster in my chest, and I look directly onto the ground not wanting to see how George thinks about the kiss.

My emotions are messed up right now and that George is not saying a word doesn't make it any better. When he carefully wraps his arms around me to pull me into his chest, I slowly lift my head, meeting his loving gaze.

"Giving in the love, huh?" George asks, before lifting my chin a bit more to place his lips on mine, kissing me softly and making my knees feel weak because of his soft touch. We both sight against the lips of the other and detach our lips again but stay as close as possible.

"What made you confess your feelings? Why not earlier or why you didn't wait longer?" George asks me, still holding me close to his chest, sounding happy that I confessed and that we don't have to act like we just like each other anymore.

"Lando told me that I should finally kiss you and stop being so afraid of what could potentially happen because you feel the same." I admit while playing with the zipper on George's jacket. It is a bit ironic that we needed the help of Lando who isn't that experienced when it comes to love but I am thankful that he helped us.

"For once he is right with what he said." George laughs before he leans down again, placing his lips on mine, kissing me again. Kissing, something we could do over and over again now because we finally know that the other one is feeling the same.

Lando was right, if you want to kiss a boy you better kiss the boy right now.

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