Robert Shwartzman [36]

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A/N Wished by archivebooks. I hope you like it!

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WORDS: 916

[36]- Is that a blush I see?

"It's time you finally visit me." Robert greets me with a wide smile, and I can't stop myself from grinning at him. We haven't seen each other in a long time now since he is traveling the world and I stayed at home, studying for school, graduating, before I started going to university.

"Not everyone can drop out of school and become a racing driver." I nudge him playfully into the side before I pull him into a hug. He dropped out of school earlier than he would have if he wasn't a racing driver but to archive his dreams he had to leave, making us more to long distance friends but we managed to keep it up and never lost contact.

I love Roberts hugs, they are always warm and tight, giving me the feeling of a safe space. Because of this and the fact we haven't seen each other for some time again we both need this contact. For a second, we tighten the hug before we let go of each other, still standing close by the other and smile widely.

"Is that your girlfriend?" A voice suddenly rips us out of our little bubble, and I look to the side, spotting some of Roberts friends. His fellow teammate Mick, accompanied by Callum and Marcus.

"Why didn't you tell us you asked someone out?" Marcus asks Robert with a pout on his lips, not happy that his friend has secrets while I kind of froze on my spot. The questions about us dating confuse me and I do not know what to say.

"You need to tell us everything later." Callum adds, also with an interested face but the boys seem to have no time because before Rob or I can react they say goodbye again.

"It was nice to meet you." Mick, apparently the only one with manners, says to me and then the three walk away again, leaving me speechless. I need to collect myself, try to figure out what just happened before I turn to Rob, letting some words bubble out of my mouth.

"They think we are dating?" I ask him, unsure if I imagined things or if his friends really just assumed that we are a couple. His face doesn't show any emotion and I can't figure out what he is thinking about the situation that just happened.

"Seems like." He shrugs his shoulders, not thinking it is weird that his friends assume we are dating and there has to be a reason for it, leading to my next question. "Why?"

"I talk a lot about you." Robert admits, gifting me a soft smile and without even realising my cheeks start to burn up. His words made my heart flutter gently because it honours me that he talks to his friends about me and not completely forgetting about me when he is living his racing driver life.

"Is that a blush I see?" Rob laughs softly and I quickly cover my cheeks because I think it is embarrassing that I blush because of his words. "No." This one word comes out like a little squeak, making me only blush harder than before.

"God, you are so adorable." Carefully Rob places his arm around my shoulders to pull me closer to his body, head placed against his chest while my heart starts to race. Maybe his friends were right, and we look like we are dating but who can blame them. Rob talks nonstop about me and I have heart eyes when I look at him.

"I like you, Rob." I admit with a sight against his chest where I can feel his heartbeat which is quickened just like mine. He tightens his grip around me, and I am glad that he didn't let go of me and told me that it is ridiculous for me to come up with such feeling after this long time of a friendship.

"I like you too, but I think we should talk about this topic somewhere more private. Do you want to go back to the hotel with me?" He mumbles close by my ear and my heart stops for a second before it picks up its fast rhythm again. I nod against Robert's chest and can feel it vibrate with a soft laugher.

He opens his arms, letting me take a step back from him and then we just stand there, smiling like idiots at each other, probably both thinking that this is rather a dream than reality. At least I think that I am dreaming right now but I don't want to wake so I just believe that this is really happening.

"Follow me love." He is already calling me love what makes my confident grow and I decide to make a bold move after I have taken a deep breath to gather all of my confidence.

"As long as you hold my hand?" I stretch my hand out to Robert, biting onto the inside of my cheek, hoping that he isn't going to be reject it, but a soft smile appears in his lips. Carefully Roberts grabs my hand, letting his fingers glide between mine and giving it a soft squeeze.

Holding hands already feels natural and I can't suppress the clearly in love grin when we start walking. And with this we entered a new stage together, walking trough the paddock as a couple to be while it is only a matter of time for us to be official. 

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