Dennis Hauger [Gym]

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A/N Wished by LilyHeseltineNew. This is long and I feel dirty. I hope you like it!



[94]-Oh god you're so much better than the last person I was with

Sighting you look at the story Dennis posted just a few minutes ago. Him being shirtless, his body glistering with some sweat because he just worked our in the gym. You bite your lip when you take a closer look at his defined muscles and you have to press your legs lightly together, when you think of what he could do with you. Crushing on one of your neighbours was never the plan but it happened, and you fell hard for the Norwegian boy.

You met each other in the hallway, nothing special but from this moment on you met more often. In the hallway again, on the rooftop garden or in the shared gym of the apartment complex. Soon you felt yourself developing feelings for him but you where too shy to admit them. Slowly it is getting harder for you to hide them, and you decided to gather all of your courage and just tell him. You that it is late, and that the gym is usually empty by now so nobody will see you fail if the feelings aren't mutual.

You look into the mirror before taking a deep breath and then leaving the apartment. Walking to the gym you can feel your heart beating faster and faster while your steps get slower and slower. Since you don't want to miss Dennis because he maybe already left the gym after posting the picture on his story, you speed up again. Luckily there is still light in the gym while the rest of the world is already dark.

Dennis is still there, sitting on one of the gymnastic mats still being shirtless and playing something on his phone, probably cooling down from his workout. You close the door silently behind you before you approach him, trying not to scare him.

"Hey Dennis." You greet him when he lifts his head because he hears the steps coming closer. "Hey, what are you doing here? It is late, don't you have work tomorrow?" He smiles before his face looks worried, he knows that you have to be up early and that your boss hates when people come late, even if it is just a minute.

"Yeah, I..." You mumble before you stop yourself because you really don't know what to say. This was so much easier in your head than now standing here in person and talking with the real Dennis and not just the imagine scenario where everything goes smoothly.

"Is something wrong?" Dennis asks, standing up. His voice sounds concerned but your attention is more drawn to his chest before you manage to look him in the eyes again and not on his chest. "Not exactly. Please don't hate me." You plead and come a little closer to him. His facial expressions soften a bit more and he places one of his hands comfortingly on your arm.

"I could never" Dennis starts but before he can end his sentence, you press your lips on his. Why talk when you can just show someone how you feel? His lips are warm and still taste a bit salty from his workout, but you don't mind because your body just radiates with happiness. Your heart is beating fast and your whole-body tingles because of this kiss.

"I 'm sorry." You mumble when you detach your lips again and want to step away from Dennis, but he stops you with holding you by your hips. "Don't be sorry for something good." Dennis grins cheekily before he licks his lips like he wants to savour the taste of your lips a bit longer.

"You liked it?" You ask surprised and your heart starts to race in your chest again. Looking up to Dennis you can see how a soft smile spreads on his lips before he leans his head down a bit to press a soft kiss onto your temple. "Of course, I did." He mumbles, pulling you closer against his chest, making you realise that he is still shirtless.

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