Daniel Ricciardo [101]

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A/N Wished by joeyxfriends. I hope you like it!

TAGLIST: aantartidaa meezgold ynstarkbarnes Sissi_Styles theclumsysoul godblesstheoceanel Charis260 Beatrichxoxo liverpools AnaOliveira003 smilethankstothem Baby_Vettel archivebooks tomstoryholland Kathy-4 smallmonsterr

WORDS: 864


[101]-This is the third nightmare this week, are you sure everything is okay?

"I don't know." I mumble, barely audible but it still feels like my answer echoes through the whole room. Feeling everyone's eyes burning on my skin but mostly the ones of my professor.

"You are a shame for your parents." He starts and I flinch at his words. Always doubting that I am making my parents proud anyway and he is not making it any better. I try to make myself smaller, trying to get out of this situation, but there is no way I can hide from this.

"Leave this room and never come back." With a stern look the professor points to the door and my eyes widen. This is one of the compulsory courses and I would not be able to get my degree without it. There is no way he is really going to kick me out of this class completely just because I didn't know one of his questions.

"Please, I need this degree." I plead desperately, hoping that he will change his mind, but he keeps pointing with his finger to the door, not moving out of his position. There are still all eyes on me, and I feel the tears streaming out of my eyes.


"Please!" I cry and slowly the room around me disappears making everything pitch black. Tears wetting my cheeks and whimpers leave my lips while I restlessly move my head from side to side.

"Hey love, it is okay. Don't cry." The soothing voice of Daniel appears in the dark, slowly drawing me back to reality and making me realise that everything was just a bad dream and not the reality.

"Daniel..." My voice is thin, and I shuffle closer to Daniel who has one hand placed on my cheek and constantly rubs away the tears on it. His lips place on the top of my head while I snuggle my head into his chest.

"Shh, I am here." He tries to calm me down and slowly my tears stop, and my heartbeat returns to its normal rate. I still rest my head against his chest, not ready to let go of him yet while his hand brushes over my back, helping me to relax my tensed muscles.

"Sorry for waking you up." I mumble against Daniels shirt, really feeling sorry for ripping him out of his well-deserved sleep. He returned late last night and probably needs the full night of rest and sleep to be ready for the next day.

"Don't be sorry." Daniel reassures me that there is no need to worry and just because he sounds so calm, I believe him. He shuffles a little bit away from me, making me pout softly, but I know it is to look into my face.

"Are you okay?" Daniel asks, making sure that I am feeling better again and that there is no more desire to cry for me.


"This is the third nightmare this week, are you sure everything is, okay?" Daniel asks his question more specifically and I bite on my lower lip while I sink my gaze. I thought he did not notice the other nightmares but turns out he did. This wasn't the first time I woke up crying this week and probably also this month.

"You can tell me." I know that I can tell him everything, but I am not sure if he will fully understand where my concern is coming from.

"Uni is stressing me out." I mumble and look up to Daniel who furrowed his eyebrows with confusion.

"But you are doing so well?" Daniel tries to figure out what exactly is stressing me since my grades are usually fine and I have barely trouble with learning the stuff I have to. Yes, sometimes I struggle with a topic or two, but I'm the end it turns out just fine.

"Yes, but one of the professors is kind of scaring me." I start to explain, playing with the hem of Daniels shirt. "He always picks someone random and asks questions, advanced ones and if you don't know the answer, he is really disappointed." A shiver runs over my spine when I think of these lessons, and I am not really looking forward to the next one where I could be the one who has to answer questions.

"I can study with you if you want to." Daniel immediately suggests and I start to giggle softly. "Dan..." I want to reject his offer softly, but he stops me.

"I know I am not familiar with the stuff you do, but maybe it could help you." Daniel continues and maybe he is right. If I can explain a topic to Daniel, it will be anchored in my head better and it will ease my nerves.

"Thank you, Daniel." I mumble and lean up to him to give him a sweet kiss onto the lips. He always tries everything to make me feel better and again he managed to lighten my mood.

"Every time, love, every time." Daniel promises me and embraces me into his arms, pulling me closer to his chest again to hopefully catch some more sleep before the sun will rise again. 

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