Marcus Armstrong [70]

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A/N Wished by JKay2011. Short but cute (:

TAGLIST: BassoAlice isssssssa05 masonmouse jade2506 smallmonsterr

WORDS: 732

[70]-Being half asleep is a very good look on you

Letting my fingers run trough the hair of Marcus I look at his relaxed features. His head is placed on one of my tights making it possible for me to observe him closely. He has dozen off a while ago and I love that he is able to calm down for a bit, no need to worry about the next race with having a little summer break. We where on the beach during the day and now continue to relax at our little bungalow we have chosen for this holiday.

I let my fingertips glide out of his hair and start to trace his facial features. His relaxed forehead, no thinking lines, or wrinkles of confusion visible. Down his soft cheeks without any hint of a scruff and over his pink, so kissable lips. Gently letting one of my fingers follow the shape of his nose, but quickly pulling the hand away when Marcus scrunches his nose softly.

"Darling?" He mumbles with a hoarse voice full of sleep and I immediately regret that I started to touch his face. Marcus deserves some sleep and now I ripped him out of his dreams. His eyes flutter open, and he peaks up to me, but does not move his head away from my tight.

"Sorry, I didn't want to wake you up." I apologize when he yawns, showing that he probably needed some more time asleep. It was not my intention to wake him up, but it was so tempting to trace his facial figures while he was asleep.

"Its okay." Marcus reassures me and stretches out his arms a little bit, before relaxing. He stays in his laying position, and I don't mind sitting like this as long as I still have a feeling in my leg. We both are big fans of cuddling but sometimes minimalistic things like this position are enough.

"Had a good nap?" I ask him, finger back in his hair to keep brushing them trough it because it seems to relax Marcus and his eyes flutter close again. Maybe I can get him back to sleep like this. It is not that I don't enjoy spending time with him but spending time with a relaxed Marcus is always better than spending it with a stressed one.

"Perfect." He rates his nap and yawns afterwards. I can't hold back a soft laugh when I observe his sleepy behaviour. Seems like he is still in between of being awake and sleeping right now, making him a very adorable sight for my eyes.

"What are you giggling about?" Marcus asks, just peaking up to me with one eye, not willing to open both of them, while I can't stop with the giggles.

"Being half asleep is a very good look on you." I tell him why I giggle right now, and it is the truth. Marcus looks not only adorable when he is more asleep than awake but it also gives him a lot of attractiveness. He always looks good, but now with the messy hair, which hangs onto his forehead, Marcus gains some more points.

"Is it?" Marcus opens both of his eyes now to grin up to me and I can't hold myself back from returning his smile. "Yes." I confirm his question because there is no need to lie right now. The only reason not to tell him that he looks good would be that his ego is already big enough, but from time to time it is good to remind him that I think he is really good looking.

"Can I get a kiss for being such a handsome, sleepy man?" There is a cheeky smile on Marcus lips and a giggle leave mine. Of course, he wants a kiss as a "present" for being a handsome person. Luckily, I have nothing against a kiss or two.

"Maybe you get more than one." I smile when I lean down to close the distance between us. Pressing a soft kiss onto Marcus lips which feel warm under my own and it takes a lot of self control to pull my head back after only one kiss. With Marcus they feel like a drug, and I am the addict that can't live without them.

"But just maybe." I giggle and before Marcus can start to pout and lean down again and connect our lips for the many following kisses. 

Votes and comments to brighten up my Sunday will be appreciated (:

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