Lewis Hamilton [34]

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A/N Wished by sara_17belen. I hope you like it.

Going to funeral number four in less than a year this week. Can the people (and pets, I am looking at you Hades) in my family please stop dying...

WORDS: 1550

34 "What part of I want you and only you do you not understand?"

A new picture on Instagram and a new wave of hate rolling over me. I thought it would end, that people get bored by writing the same insults over and over again under a post, but the reality looks different. No matter if I post a picture of Lewis, Roscoe, my friends, or one where only I am visible the reaction of the fans is a negative one. Of course, there are some nice comments as well, but they get drowned in the hating ones.

Lewis doesn't notice it, or he isn't affected by it like I am. He knows this treatment better than I do. Slipping into his world just a few months ago, while he has been in the public eye for many years now. While our relationship gets better and better with every day we are together, my mental state is in a downward spiral. The negative comments about my looks or that I just dating Lewis to become famous myself and ditch him afterward.

It makes me think too negatively, but I don't say anything. Instead, I keep every thought inside of me and slowly destroy my mental well-being. I started by exercising more and eating less, losing some of my weight, what Lewis noticed. He tried stopping me from losing even more, but I convinced him that it was my own choice and that I had everything under control.

Tonight I walk over to Lewis, usually, I take the bike, but tonight I felt like walking the short distance. Well, now I know it was a bad idea, but you are always wiser afterward. The dark streets don't seem to be safe, long shadows being drawn on the walls of the buildings by the street lights. I pull my jacket closer to my body, starting to walk quicker to reach my destination. I feel like I am being watched and when I turn my head there seem to be some silhouettes following me.

Again I walk faster, trying to ignore the tight feeling of my chest and my quickly beating heart. The steps behind me get quicker as well and I just pray to get out of this situation safely. Just when I want to take the last turn which would bring me to Lewis' apartment, someone grabs me by the shoulders and pulls me to face in the other direction. A muffled sound leaves my throat when I look at the faces of three women.

"Can I help you?" I try to stay calm and nice, but my voice isn't confident. Judging they look at me and I lower my eyes.

"You don't deserve Lewis." One of them speaks up and when I look at them again the other two nod. I am already panicking inside, but I try to remain calm on the outside.

"I think that is not something you can decide," I say and slowly get more and more scared. Now all of them laugh and it seems like they can't stop. A shiver runs down my spine and I straighten my shoulders.

"Well, it was nice talking with you, but I need to leave." I tell them as friendly as possible, turn around and want to walk again. Just a few steps later something hits me on the head and I fall to the cold ground, darkness greeting me just when my body crashes down.

I wake up much later, head pounding and body aching even though I am not moving anything. Wincing when I try to sit up, but I stop trying when the pain gets even worse. Opening my eyes instead and looking around the room with small eyes.

This has to be a room in a hospital. There is an IV in my left hand and then I look to the right side because there is some weight on this hand. Lewis sits beside my bed and sleeps with his head on my hand. It is dark outside, probably in the middle of the night and the visiting hours are probably over, but Lewis is popular, so he might have used his status to stay.

Carefully I pull my hand from under his head and stroke over it carefully. He might be tired, but he would not be able to move tomorrow when he keeps sleeping like this. Lewis grumbles at first but then turns his head and opens his eyes.

I smile softly at him and when he realises that I am awake his head shoots up. "You are awake." He says, voice rough and when I look closer at his face there are some traces of tears on his cheeks.

My hand shakes when I lift it to stroke over his cheek, making him close his eyes for a moment.

"How are you?" He asks and intertwines our fingers. I need to clear my throat, my voice rasping when I try to speak for the first time.

"Like a car has driven over me." I mumble and let my head sink into the pillow. Lewis bounces with his leg and then the next words just burst out.

"I was so scared when you didn't arrive at mine. You didn't pick up your phone, didn't read my messages and then this damned ambulance came through my street. I tried calming myself down, that you would be there any minute and that everything would be fine, but then the hospital called." The words leave his mouth quickly and he needs to blink a couple of times when tears appear in his eyes. I brush my thumb over the back of his hand, trying to comfort him while he calms down.

"Fuck." He curses and brushes the tears away. "I can think about losing you." Lewis mumbles pained and closes his eyes.

As good as I can I sit up and suppress a pained sound. Carefully I wrap my arms around him and pull him closer. Lewis rests his head on my shoulder and cries softly. I brush my hand over the back of his head and mutter comforting words until he is able to calm down and pull back out of the hug.

"I am fine. You don't need to worry so much. Okay?" I say and keep moving my fingers over the back of his hand. There is anger in his eyes when he looks at me.

"You're not fine! You have a concussion a cut and countless bruises. Don't try to tell me you are fine." He says outraged and throws his hands in the air. Soothing I grab his hand when he doesn't move it anymore and wait until he looks at me.

"I have some nice painkillers and you are with me, so yes, I am well for the moment. I might be hurt but right now everything is okay."

Lewis takes a deep breath and nods, before speaking up much calmer. "Do you remember who did this to you?" He asks and looks at me curious. I lower my gaze and gulp, not wanting to tell him who did this, but I don't want to lie. Lewis senses that I am not happy with his question, and he catches my gaze.

"Everything is okay, you can tell me." He says reassuringly and after some thinking, I decide to mutter one word.


"What?" His voice is shocked, and he adds "Since when?"

"Some time on Instagram, but today they talked to me in person for the first time." I admit to him, still not looking up. "How could I not notice?" He mutters in disbelief and lowers his gaze as well.

"It's not your fault." I say and I mean it. It is not Lewis' fault that everything went wrong. "Of course, it is my fault. You are my world. I should have protected you, but instead, I just let everything slip past me." I have never seen him so desperate before and feel sorry to make him feel like this.

"Nothing happened and we can't change it anyway." I mumble and then a thought comes to my head. "I would understand if you don't want to be with me anymore. Someone the world does not approve." The words slip over my lips quicker than I can think and Lewis now looks at me.

"What part of I want you and only you do you not understand? I just told you are my world, and I will not leave you until you tell me to." Lewis promises me and my heart flutters. All doubts disappearing as quickly as they came, and I decide to change the subject.

"Join me?" I ask him, lifting the blanket and Lewis' mimic gets softer. He gets rid of his shoulders and cuddles himself beside me into the small bed. My head on his chest while he strokes over my back, slowly lulling me to the land of dreams.

When I woke up the next morning Lewis had posted something on Instagram. A picture of our intertwined fingers, the IV visible with a long paragraph about what happened and what he thinks about the hate in general. Of course, it didn't stop the entire hate, but it made people think of what might be too much and in the end, Lewis and I stand together through everything.

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