Mick Schumacher [21]

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A/N Wished by EsmeeDG4. I hope you like it!

TAGLIST: Will update asap

WORDS: 934

[21]-You're safe now

My heart is pumping way too quickly while I make my way through the crowd. Trying not to look back too often, but I can't hold myself back from glancing over my shoulder. Is he still there? I am not sure and keep trying to avoid bumping into dancing people. Why did I go out clubbing alone? I should have known better that it might be not that safe for a girl to be alone during nighttime. Another glance over the shoulder, my vision is already blurry from the tears, but I don't care, and I can't spot him.

That is good, right? That means I escaped his hands and maybe could find a space to calm down a bit. I take a relieved breath and want to turn my head to look forward again, but then it happens, and I run into a person. Barely recognizing that I spilled his drink while he speaks up.

"Hey, watch out!" He has to scream because of the music, and I lift my head only to meet his bright eyes and try to stutter an explanation why I was running over the dancefloor of the club.

"I'm...I'm sorry. I just..." My voice is thin and breaks while I slowly come out of my tunnel vision. Sight still blurry because of the tears and hands shaky, still fearing that he will be back any second. The expression on the face of the person in front of me soften when he realises that I am crying.

"Why are you crying? Did you get hurt?" He asks with concern and carefully grabs me by the shaking hands to lead me to the side of the dancefloor where we wouldn't disturb any of the people and could talk in peace.

"No..." Another crack stops my talking and I look around again, but the flickering light makes it hard to see any person longer than some seconds.

"Take a deep breath." The hands on my shoulders and the soft voice of the man in front of me help me to calm down and I take some deep breaths. At first rather shaky ones, but then my breathing pattern slowly gets better, and the tears stop from rolling down my cheeks.

"Ok, what happened?" The man asks me, and I don't know why, but I trust him and feel rather comfortable with his presence. He no longer seems to be mad that I've run into him and is just interested in helping me.

"Someone is following me. I tried to get rid of him, but he didn't leave me alone." I explain, voice still thin, but getting stronger with every word I speak. The experience has shaken me up and I want nothing more than to feel safe again.

"Is the person still here?" The man looks around, trying to spot if he sees anyone who is watching us, and my heart feels warm because he helps me out.

"I am not sure." I mumble and step onto my tiptoes, trying to look around and figure out if the person is still behind me, but I can't see anything, which doesn't mean he isn't there anymore. "I can't see him right now." Are my next words and the man in front of me nods.

"Come with me. We can sit down, and you can calm down a bit." He invites me and even though he is also a person I never met before I feel safe in his presence and so I follow him to one of the couches which are placed in some corners to give people a space to relax their feet for a bit.

"Thank you." I finally thank the man and only then realise that I never asked for his name, so I quickly do. "What's your name?"

"I am Mick." He introduces himself and I tell him my name which makes him smile. My eyes flicker to his shirt and I see a big spot on it, probably caused by me when I run into him a few minutes ago.

"Oh god, I ruined your shirt!" I exclaim with worry because I don't want him to be mad that I stained his white shirt with whatever he was drinking before. With my luck tonight, it wouldn't wash out of it, and I will have to buy him a new one.

"Don't worry, it was not my favourite anyways." Mick laughs it off, not even caring how big the stain on his shirt is and quickly starts a conversation about something different. He talks about light things, stuff that keeps my mind occupied and he shows me pictures of his dog, saying that this always cheers people up and he is right.

"Are you feeling better?" Mick asks me, really being interested if I managed to calm down at least a little bit. I wait a moment with my answer, checking my heartbeat and realising it did calm down, plus I don't feel as scared anymore.

"Definitely, I still feel like his eyes are lingering on me, but at least I have some company now." I explain to Mick that I still feel watched, but that he makes me feel better. Normally I don't trust people that quickly, but I just clicked with him.

"You're safe now." Mick promises me with a smile, and I can't stop my lips from curling up into a smile as well. Meeting Mick was the best that could have happened to me this night and I will be forever grateful that he helped me out of that scary situation.

"Thank you, Mick."

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