Pierre Gasly [Nightmare]

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A/N There are 3 more ideas on my profile that need a driver you can pick-would love to see some ideas!

TAGLISTtamaraudvardy Mandolin016 useresssss _S_ara_h_ tomstoryholland smallmonsterr landochamps_f1 

WORDS: 900

Again I hear the glass burst and again I curiously walk to the kitchen. I know that I shouldn't, but I have no control over my body. My steps only get shorter, slower when I hear some rumbling and for a moment I stop my movement completely. Inside of me, everything screams to turn around and run away as quickly as possible, but I can't move. Even though I think I am not moving, the door just comes closer and closer.

I want to stop the movement, but in the next second my hand is on the handle and I don't even know how it got there. Quickly I want to pull it away, but the door already opens and I can look inside the kitchen. I want to close my eyes, not ready to see what I am about to see, even though I know exactly what is going to follow.

The bloodcurdling scream which is trying to escape my throat sounds oddly dull in my ears. Then I woke up, but can still see the mean glistering eyes behind the mask of the robber. I sit up and try to calm down, but the tears start falling down my cheeks. My hand is placed on my mouth to dampen my crying so that it wouldn't wake up Pierre. Since someone broke into our apartment a few days ago I can't sleep anymore.

The burglar probably thought that nobody would be in the apartment since Pierre was away for a race. That I was home surprised him and shortly after I spotted him in the kitchen he disappeared through the window and left me in shock. There were pieces of glass everywhere, the big window shattered to form an entrance for the robber.

With shivering fingers, I managed to call the police and told them slowly but surely what happened just a few moments before. Quickly someone came, but everything else went by like a film. They asked me questions, but I don't remember what I answered. They looked around, but obviously couldn't find anyone but me in the apartment.

The window was closed provisionally and then they left me alone. Since that night I couldn't sleep. Always had this mean face in my mind just when I tried to close my eyes for a bit. Hearing glass shatter over and over again and my hearts start racing whenever I have to enter the kitchen.

When Pierre came home he was shocked, worried, and angry. All emotions were coming down on him and I felt safer just because of his presence. He couldn't understand why I didn't tell him about the burglary but also didn't want to make any accusations. Pierre just was there for me because this was what I needed and still need. Just his presence.

I can't suppress the next sob, but I still try to dampen it with my hand. But it is too late. Pierre turns around in bed, grumbles softly in his sleep before he slowly opens his eyes. He is confused at first, looks beside him, only to not spot me there and his gaze lifts only to see my shivering shoulders. Pierre quickly sits up and pulls me against his chest on which I lean to search for some comfort.

"Shh." He softly tries to soothe me while softly swaying us from side to side. For a moment my crying becomes more intense before I manage to calm down. The tears slowly stopped, and the breathing pattern returned to a normal one.

"You are safe, I am here with you," Pierre mumbles with a calm voice and brushes some tears away with his thumb. I try to give him a smile, but I can't bring the corners of my mouth to turn upwards.

Exhausted, I lean my head against his shoulder and mutter a quiet "Thank you." But I still feel not ready to fall back asleep. There is this nervous feeling inside of my chest which keeps me awake. Something that will not let me rest until I do something against it.

"Could you..." My voice breaks and I need to clear my throat before I can continue speaking.

"Could you look if all the windows and doors are closed?" Unsure I look at Pierre to get his reaction. His facial expressions turn soft as soon as he hears the fear in my voice.

"Of course." He answers, brushes his fingertips over my cheek, and stands up to check if our apartment is safe. Pierre did this several times already, but for me, he cheeks every door and window after a nightmare.

I am happy that he does this without asking. No judging gaze or any questions on the reason. He knows that I don't feel safe and he would probably do everything to make me feel safe again.

It takes some minutes before Pierre returns to the bedroom, his shadow not even scaring me because I know that it is him.

"Everything is closed." Is his answer to my asking gaze and he cuddles himself back under the blanket with me.

"Are you sure?" I ask with fear but scoot closer to his chest. "I promise." Pierre mumbles and starts drawing circles on my back until I fall back into a dreamless sleep hoping that one day I could return to a normal day and night schedule. 

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