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Amaya's outfit ^

*Drug warning/mature themes

Alyx' POV

"I'd say he liked it pretty good. It made him very talkative."

"Oh? What'd you two talk about?" she asks, with a curious look in her eye.

Flashbacks of our conversations go through my mind. Mainly you and how far I've gotten with you. "Uh... just school and stuff."

"Alyx. You expect me to believe you talked about school when you got high with your best friend?"

"Um, no, not really." Idiot. That was a dumb lie.

She looks intrigued and shifts herself to face me. "Did you talk about me any?"

Blood rushes to my face. Time to be honest. "I... I tried not to. I wanted to keep everything private between us, but it slipped out. I'm so sorry."

"Alyx, it's okay. I don't care what you told him. He's your best friend. That's what guys do." She touches my arm with her hand. "You think I haven't talked to Elaine about you?"

"Y-you have?" The blood remains in my cheeks. She talked about me to her friend? "What about?"

She lets a seductive laugh out. "Wouldn't you like to know. You first." She bites her lip, making me want to pull her in and kiss her.

"I told him how we got high together and that we've kissed. That's all, though. He wanted to know how far I've gotten with you, but I didn't tell him about when you..." I trail off, referring to the blowjob. "I didn't know if you wanted anyone to know about it. I wanted to respect you and keep quiet. So, I'm still sorry I spilled some of it."

"You're so fucking sweet. Most guys spill all the details as soon as they get away from the girl. I like how much you respect me. You actually make me feel like I'm not a slut," she laughs.

What the hell? "You're not!"

"You don't know that. You don't even know how many people I've been with, Alyx."

That's true. "How many?"

"I don't want to tell you," she mumbles.

"Why not?"

"I don't want your opinion of me to change."

"Nothing could change that," I honestly tell her.

She takes a deep breath. "I mean, it's not a lot, but I was only in a relationship with one of them."

"That doesn't make you a slut, Amaya."

"I've heard otherwise."

"Then they're lying." I grab her hand and give it a small squeeze.

She sighs. "If I were to have sex with you, you'd be my fifth."

Oh. Four people. That's not that bad. With the way she was acting, I thought the number was going to be much larger. And what's with the way she phrased that statement? My heart begins to race. Is she planning to have sex with me? Stop jumping to conclusions, Alyx!

"You made that sound worse than it actually is," I tell her. Her expression changes. She looks surprised with my response. I don't know if she expected me to run or shove her away, but I could never. "So, who were they?"

She loses the shocked expression and rolls her eyes. "It doesn't matter, Alyx."

"I want to know."

"You already know two of them."

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