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^the hot spring and Amaya's bikini!

Alyx's POV

I can hear the train whooping past us as we're falling. I take a deep breath and feel my feet hit first before quickly submerging my entire body in the freezing water. I lose Amaya's grip on my hand under the water and reach for her in a panic. Where did she go? I look around, but there's too many bubbles. I hurry and swim back up to the surface before I run out of oxygen. I gasp for air when I reach the top. I immediately start shivering.

I look around for her to see her head suddenly pop up above the water. Oh my god! She's alive! Relief instantly washes over me. I swim over to her and pull her to me, squeezing her with one of my arms while I use the other to keep us afloat. She responds to the hug, frantically wrapping herself around me. Her teeth are chattering, along with mine.

"A-are you h-hurt?" I manage to get out of my already numb lips.

"N-no. Are y-you?"

"I'm o-okay. Let's get out." Before we freeze to death. I swim us to the bank and lift her up so she can climb out. I hoist myself up after her. Now we really have to walk back soaking wet. Even my backpack with the towels and snacks is soaked. We hike up the steep terrain, and the end of the train flies past us once we reach the top.

We've never climbed in her car faster, nor do I think she's ever cranked her car this fast. She stuck the key in so quick, I'm surprised she didn't break it. She blasts the heat, trembling in her seat.

"I'm so sorry. I swear I've never seen a train come through before."

"It's okay. You didn't know."

"Still. I'm sorry. I shouldn't have put your life at risk like that."

I feel like I should be mad, but the adrenaline pulsing through my body right now is preventing that. "It was kind of fun."

"What?" Her eyes bulge out. "The jump? Or the adrenaline from almost dying?"

"Both. Well, the jump was scary as hell, especially after I lost you in the water. But after I hugged you, I didn't think it was that bad. Besides the freezing part. But yeah, my heart is still racing from the adrenaline. I can't believe I actually was able to jump."

"Yeah. Adrenaline is one of the best drugs." Loving you is better. I mentally cringe at my own cheesiness. "Mine kicked in as soon as I felt the track rumbling and seen the train coming up behind you." She lets a shiver out. "Sorry but I need to do this real quick." She opens the door, letting the heat flow out. She leans over and wrings the water out of her hair. She puts it back up in a bun and shuts the door. She suddenly lifts her wet shirt up and over her arms, tossing it in the back. Her shoes and sweat pants follow after. "Ahh, that's better." She glances over at my alarmed face. "You should do the same. It's going to be hard to warm up in soaked clothes."

"You're right." I lift my hoodie off me and slide my shoes and pants off. I wish we had a dry towel, at least. I grab my wet shirt and rub my hair with it, attempting to dry it. I comb my fingers through it, tousling it.

She pulls her legs up in the seat and wraps her arms around them. "I wish I would have brought some clothes. Or a towel. I brought my duffel, but I left my clothes at Elaine's thinking I'd just wear the clothes I wore back."

"Yeah, I brought those towels, but they're kind of useless now," I say, eyeing my soaked bag. "I wonder if any of the snacks survived."

She lets a laugh out. "Maybe so."


I know it's bad timing, but I can't keep my eyes off her when she's just in that little bikini. I mean, sex would warm us up faster. I try to rake my brain of different thoughts until I remember something we talked about.

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