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My story has come to an end! The feeling of having my first book complete is so weird! Like I'm super excited but also sad it ended. I have plans for more books in the future, though!

I AM planning on a sequel! Their story was just beginning, so there's no way I'm ending it so soon. The sequel is already up! I also have another idea in my head that involves Alyx and Amaya, and I might put that to work first. I'll see and let you guys know! I plan on writing a new couple, too. Possibly of the same sex! I don't know yet! I've got so many ideas running through my head for like three different stories!

I also want to thank everyone who has read. I just hit seven thousand reads! I also want to thank the readers who have stuck around for the longest. I know it's taken me forever to write this, and I've went back and changed things a lot! So, thank you for sticking through and for all the votes and comments! I hope you continue to support my future works.

I'm glad I put my mind to it and got my story out there. It's been fun!

If you have any questions, please ask! I'll try to answer it, unless it involves spoilers!

Who was your favorite character?

Who got on your nerves the worst?

Did you have a favorite chapter?

Favorite scene?

Favorite smut scene?

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