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Alyx's POV

Amaya's car was already gone when I woke up in the morning. My mom got home pretty early like she said. The rest of the weekend passes with nothing exciting. I didn't hear anything from Amaya, either. Unfortunately.

It's Monday now, and I wonder how Amaya is doing. I wondered all weekend. I wanted to text her, but I kept chickening out.

I wonder if she remembers anything. I don't know how drunk she was. She seemed pretty gone. I also wonder if she got caught by her parents. Did she get in trouble?

It's sixth period already, and I take my seat at my desk. Amaya walks through the door, and I clench my hands into fists, already feeling nervous to talk to her. I think about how she looked at my lips and leaned in. I'm sure she was just in a drunk daze. No way she'd want to kiss me.

She's wearing some tight jeans and a regular T-shirt. She pulls anything off. Especially, those jeans. Damn. I drop my eyes to my desk before she catches me. That's another reason I like her. She doesn't always dress like a model every day. She actually dresses for comfort a lot. Mostly jeans, leggings, and T-shirts. I've never seen her wear heels. It's usually just converses or sandals. Sometimes running shoes. Occasionally, she'll wear a dressy blouse. I can tell she shares a lot of clothes with her friends since I've seen them wearing the same thing the next week or so.

She takes a seat at her desk. I swear I feel eyes on the back of my head. Just stay calm. I turn my head some to look at her. She's staring at me with her chin in her hand and elbow propped up, a cute little smile on her face. I turn around quickly and blush. What's she smiling for?

I hear a small thud hit the ground, and I look to see a pencil rolling towards me from her direction. It must have rolled off her desk. I lean down and pick it up for her. I sit back up and hand it to her. She reaches for it, her fingers grazing slowly against mine before she finally takes it.

"Thanks," she whispers, a smile growing.

"N-no problem, I stutter out. Her smile and touch are so intimidating. She makes my insides get all queasy. In a good way.

Mr. Todd comes in and starts talking about one of the wars. I start jotting down notes. Fifteen minutes into class, I feel a finger tap my shoulder. I turn and look at her and all her beauty. She's holding a folded piece of paper between her fingers. I look down at it, and she nudges it toward me. I hurry and grab it before anyone sees. How come she didn't just text me? Did her phone get taken away?

I open it and see two words that make my stomach tighten.

I remember.

Oh, shit. Remember what? What happened Friday night? Which part? Me telling her I think she's pretty? Me looking down her shirt? Oh my god, I hope not. Or me telling her she's amazing? My mind starts racing through the possibilities.

I lift my pencil and write back.

Remember what?

I pass it back to her and hear her scribbling something down. She taps my shoulder with the paper, and I grab it again.

Everything. I'm not a forgetful drunk.

Oh my god! My heart starts racing. I want to get up and leave class right now. I don't write anything back. I don't know what to say, so I just shove the note in my pocket. I try to concentrate on the lecture, but I can't. Is she staring at my back? Don't turn around, Alyx! I get through the rest of class and bolt up when the bell rings, rushing out of the classroom.

After my last class is over, I ride with Wes back to his house. We're both sitting in his room on our phones when I decide to tell him about Friday night. I keep the part about her coming over to myself, though.

"No way! You actually went and partied with her?!"

"Not exactly partied. It was just the four of us, I tell him.

"But then it was just the two of you alone." He stops and his eyes light up. "Did you finally have sex?!" he asks, excitedly.

My eyes grow huge. "No!"

"You said she was close and touchy all night. She trusted you enough to get drunk alone with you. You even thought she was going to kiss you. Not saying she did for sure but sounds like she might have wanted you to have sex with her, he says with a shrug.

"No, she didn't. She was just drunk and goofing off." I glare at him, crossing my arms.

"C'mon, Alyx. It's got to happen someday."

I know what he's referring to. I look down and blush. I hate when he brings this up. He's the only one who knows I'm still a virgin. He's not anymore. He's had a girlfriend the past few months. Her name is Claire. She doesn't go to our school, but they hang out on the weekends. He's tried introducing me to girls that are friends with her, but I don't want that. I don't really want just anybody. I'm not that desperate for sex. I mean, I am but still. I'm way too awkward. And insecure.

"Leave it alone." I stare out his window, my face still on fire. I know that's not what was going on. She just wanted to hang out. She doesn't like me like that. She doesn't seem the type to sleep around, either. I don't think anyway. I'm glad she was with me. Anyone else could have taken advantage of her.

"Fiiinnne," he drags it out. "I'll leave you and your virginity alone." He rolls his eyes and lays his head back. I glare at him in response. He stays quiet for a minute before saying, "It feels so amazing though, dude. How tight it can-"

"That's it!" I get up and grab my bag. "I'm leaving," I say, angrily.

He bursts out laughing. "Look how red you are." Ugh! I hate how much I blush, and I hate when he points it out. I throw my bag over my shoulder and walk to his door. "C'mon, Alyx! I was just messing around."

I still leave and start walking home from his house, despite the distance. I feel so flustered now. I know that's not what she wanted, but now he's got me thinking of different scenarios that could have happened. I didn't need him putting any ideas in my head. I try to steady my breathing. I don't need a boner while walking home.

I hear a honk, and I turn to look to see Amaya pulling over and rolling down her window. "Hey, Alyx! What are you doing?" she yells from the drivers side.

I look down and blush at the timing. I see her five seconds after I'm having dirty thoughts about her! That's just my luck. I take a breath and tell her, "Just walking home."

"Well, get in. I'll give you a ride." What? I can't go anywhere with her right now. I barely have myself under control. "C'mon. I need to talk to you about something anyway," she says. That doesn't help. Now, the anxiety of what she could possibly want to talk about freaks me out. My heart starts racing, and my palms are getting sweaty.

Despite the nervousness I'm feeling, I say, "Okay." Then I climb into her car.

A/N- Let me know what you think and vote please!

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