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Alyx's POV

She likes me? She likes me! She. Likes. Me! My heart starts beating, uncontrollably. She looks flushed and so beautiful. The lamp radiating off her in the dark gives her this gorgeous glow. She glances back up to me and brushes her hair behind her ear.

"I hope that's what you wanted to hear," she says.

"Y-yeah. It was. I've always wanted to hear that from you. You're actually the only person I've ever wanted to hear that from, so this kind of feels like a dream. It probably is. I dream about you all the time." I flush deeper when I realized I rambled for too long.

A small giggle slips from Amaya's lips. "I always like when you say too much and get embarrassed; I usually learn something new. Well, this isn't a dream, but I'd like to hear more about these dreams I'm in. Hmm, or would I? We both know what type of dreams you've had about me before."

I blush even more. "They're not always like that."

"Really? Do you dream of going on dates with me and doing cute couple stuff?"


"You're so cute." She reaches out and grabs my hand, setting it on her leg but still holding it. I just noticed how close we've gotten.

"You really think I'm cute?" I ask, my insecurities trying to take over.

A tiny scoff escapes her lips. "Uh, yeah," she says like it's an obvious thing. "How could I not?"

I clear my throat and take a deep inhale. "Well, I'm not exactly good looking and-"

"Stop," she cuts me off. "I don't want to hear that bullshit." I widen my eyes at her response.

"But I blush and stutter all the time. I'm awkward. I know you said I don't, but I must embarrass you. I-"

"Alyx," she cuts me off again. "Shut up." She doesn't say it in a harsh tone. More like, 'stop talking like that'. I do as I'm told and zip my lips shut. She notices my compliance and begins to speak again. "You really are clueless." She plays with my fingers, running her thumb over one of my nails. She sighs and says, "I don't know who put that idea in your head, but when I find out who did, I'm punching them in the fucking face." Woah. I love how she wants to defend me. "And if you're the one put it there, I'll kick your ass, too."

"It was me," I mumble. I don't think anyone has ever called me ugly, at least not to my face. Not even Luke. But, why hasn't anyone wanted me? It's either cause I'm ugly, or I'm too awkward. How was I supposed to feel confident in myself?

"Oh." Her brows furrows. She lets a sigh out and leans in, her forehead almost touching mine. "Alyx, do you not realize that that shit makes you even more attractive? You have no idea how cute it is when you stutter. And when you blush," she pauses and licks her lips. "Don't even get me started. And your looks," she stops and pulls back to admire my face. "How can you think you're not handsome? With your gorgeous brown eyes, your incredibly soft, black hair that my fingers easily glide through every time. Your sexy jawline, your pretty teeth, perfectly shaped lips." She strokes my bottom lip with her thumb. "How tall you are, your gorgeous body, how sweet you are, how respectful you are with me. All of that is so incredibly sexy to me, Alyx." I feel the heat pooling to my cheeks. I have to refrain myself from covering my face with my hands to hide myself from her intense gaze. This is too much. I can't handle it. I've never been complimented before. Not to this extent.

She lets a small groan out and lays her forehead back on mine. "Stop fucking blushing. You're so hot." I internally gasp and dryly swallow. I love the way the word 'fuck' sounds coming from her. At first, it took me by surprise when she would cuss, but now it's kind of attractive. It makes her seem even more badass and sexy. And I've never in my life been called 'hot' by anyone. Mom calls me handsome all the time, but she's my mom. It doesn't count.

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