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Alyx's POV

The first thing I do when I wake up is groan. My head hurts so bad. I don't even open my eyes, yet. I can tell it's still dark out since no sunlight is seeping through my eyelids. I'm just going to try to fall back asleep. I feel a gust of air hit my face, making me peel my eyes open. I feel my heart begin to accelerate. Amaya is propped on her elbow, staring at me. Was she watching me sleep?

I blink a couple of times to adjust my eyes. I quickly sit up, holding myself up with my elbows. "Hey. Are you okay?"

She smiles at me. "Yeah, I'm okay."

I give her a smile back. "Good. What time is it?"

"It's four forty-five."

"What are you doing up? Let's sleep some more." I roll on my side, putting a hand on the small of her back and pulling her closer to me.

"I just woke up and couldn't fall back asleep. And I'm hungry."

I let a chuckle out. "Do you want to get some breakfast? Lily's Diner opens at five."

"That sounds amazing. But if you want to sleep some more, you can."

"No, it's okay. I'm kind of hungry, too. We haven't ate anything besides my mom's cooking yesterday."

"Let's get up and get ready then. I'm starved. I do want to get you home pretty early, though, so I'll drop you off after we eat. Your mom is probably worried."

"I texted her an excuse last night."

"What did you tell her?"

"That you dropped me off at Wes' last night." She looks at me with a lifted eyebrow. "I didn't say she'd believe it."

"She's totally not going to. You left with your girlfriend but ended up at your friend's house? Yeah. She knows exactly who you're with, Alyx."

"That's okay. I don't care."

"Until she grounds you from seeing me."

"She's barely home anyway. It's not like she'll really be able to keep me from you."

She smiles and pulls herself up from the bed. "Let's go get some food then."

"Do you want to invite Elaine and Kayson?" I ask.

She lets a laugh out. "I would, but Elaine's not going to wake up for a couple of hours. She's not a morning person at all."

"What about you? Are you a morning person?"

"Yeah. I'm a night owl, too, though. Basically, I don't get a lot of sleep." That explains why she naps a lot when she's at my house.

"You sure you don't want to try to get some more before we go eat?" I ask, rolling on my back and throwing my forearm over my face.

I feel her grab my wrist and pull on it to drag me out of bed. "Nope! Come on. Get up!"

"Alright, alright. I'm getting up." And as soon as I do, all the alcohol I drank last night hits my bladder. "Where's the bathroom? I really need to pee."

She lets out a laugh and leads me out of the room to show me the bathroom. When I finally lock the door and unzip my pants, it feels like a dam broke. I let a sigh of relief out and finish up my business. I wash my hands after flushing and comb my fingers through my hair. I notice a bottle of mouth wash and pour some in my mouth, swishing it around. I know it's not mine, but there's no way I'm going around Amaya with morning breath after drinking last night. I spit it out and wipe my lips off.

I stare at my reflection and try to remember all the events that took place last night. I think I remember everything pretty vividly. A lot happened. Flashes of drinking and smoking out back with Amaya in my lap go through my head. Images of us in her room naked pop in. Her on her knees, me behind her. I shake the lewd thoughts away. What else? Lexi apologizing to me and blatantly checking me out. I cringe at the memory. And then that fucking asshole showed up. I clench my fists as his words from last night repeat in my head. I can't believe I didn't get to hit him. He probably would have kicked my ass afterwards but still. I swear the next time I see him... he won't get the chance to speak to her like that again.

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