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Alyx's POV

Amaya sighs before taking another sip from her bottle and stares down the hallway where Vanessa ran off. "I'm not slut shaming her but still. I wish she would chill for like an hour or two before running off to go get some dick." I blush at her choice of words. She gets up and changes the stereo back to the rock station. I wonder if that's the type of music she likes. She turns it up, probably to drown out any sounds before sitting back down beside me. "This happens every time."

I can't believe there's a couple going at it just down the hall from me. So much is happening! I'm with my crush, she's currently drunk, and I've never been so close to someone having sex before. Ugh, this is probably the closest I'm going to get to it, too.

"Is Ronnie not her boyfriend or something?" I ask, curiously.

"Nope. Just fuck buddies," she says bluntly. "It's also kind of her way of paying for the alcohol."

My eyes almost pop out of my head. "What?!"

She reaches her hand out and puts it over my mouth, letting giggles slip past her lips. Amaya's hand is touching my face. Her hand is on my face. I feel my cheeks start to heat up from the contact.

"Shhh," she says, still laughing. She unfortunately removes her hand.

"She has to pay him with her body?" I whisper yell. Amaya slowly blinks her eyes. She looks at me like I don't understand something.

"I'm not saying she really does, but you saw how I paid him with cash? Well, I've never seen her pay him before. And I'm over here a lot. So, that might be her form of payment. Which she can do whatever she wants. It's her body."

Oh. Oh! I blush some more. Now, I feel awkward. She notices and lets out some more giggles. They sound really cute. She lays back on the couch and laughs some more, suddenly laying her legs across my lap. I immediately tense up. I almost freak out and get up, but she looks so peaceful. And I also really like her touching me.

Her eyes close, and her hair is sprawled out around her. She stops laughing and opens her eyes, catching me staring at her. I blush and look away. She sits up and moves her legs, crossing them and leaning in closer to me. She's looking deep into my eyes. Why is she staring at me?! It's making it hard to keep my eyes on hers.

She licks her lips, and my eyes move down to them. I can't help but move them down further. Since she's leaning forward, her top has come down some, exposing her cleavage. Woah. I suck a shaky breath in. They're paler than the rest of her skin but not by much. I bet she tans topless most of the time. They're a really good size, too. Oh my god.

I swallow the spit that formed in my mouth and shoot my eyes back up to hers. Shes still looking into mine. Shit. She totally caught me doing that! She doesn't look mad, though. A smirk slowly makes its way onto her face, and she leans forward some more. She's getting too close. I look away because I don't think I can control my eyes from looking down her shirt again, and I want to respect her.

"Hey," she whispers, drawing my attention back to her. She looks down, and I can tell shes chewing on the inside of her cheek. A slight pink stains her cheeks. No way! Is she blushing? Nah. It's probably just the alcohol. "Do you think I'm pretty?"

I was not expecting that. At all. Why is she asking that? Of course I do! You're more than that! You are drop dead gorgeous. Like, absolutely stunning. How do I say it, though? Without dying of embarrassment?

My cheeks start burning, and I look down before telling the truth. "Y-yeah, I do."

She lifts her head up, making me meet her eyes. They look red, like her cheeks. She's definitely feeling the alcohol. "Really?"

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