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*Trigger warning (mentions of Abuse/Violence)

Alyx's POV

I didn't know where to go, so I went to the one spot I could think of. I somehow found my way to Amaya's secret spot under this bridge. I just wanted to be alone right now and not deal with my mom. She's going to freak out when she sees my face. How am I going to explain it to her? She's probably going to assume the worst and think Amaya did it. Do I even tell my mom that she blew me off? I don't want her to start disliking her. I could just tell her half of the truth. That I defended her. I could just tell her we went on the date, and some guy was being a jerk to her. He hit me first, and I fought back. I've become such a liar. And I don't even feel that bad about it.

I kill the car and turn the internal lights on. I grab some napkins from the glovebox and try to dab away at the dried blood on my knuckles. Damn, my hand hurts. No one really tells you how bad your hand hurts after a punch. I think I was holding my hand right, but my mind at the time wasn't worried about how to make a proper fist.

I look at my face in the visor mirror and cringe. My cheekbone is already turning purple, and my eye is a little swollen. I poke at it with my finger and wince. I thought of many different scenarios on how this night could have gone, but I did not consider this happening. Having my first fight didn't cross my mind at all.

I turn all the lights off and lay my head back in the seat. I close my eyes and sigh. I almost doze off when a light shining through the car makes me shoot my eyes open. A car is pulling down the little drive when it suddenly slams its breaks when it notices me. My heart starts to race at the thought of it being Amaya. It does kind of look like her car. What if its cops, and I'm trespassing?

I lean up in my seat so whoever it is can see me. The car starts to pull forward again. Please don't be a serial killer. They pull up beside me, and I realize it is Amaya when I see her perched up in the front seat. She parks and gives me a sad smile. I turn my face away from her. I'm glad it's her, but I'm still upset.

I hear her door open and shut, and she slips to the passenger side of Mom's SUV. She grabs the locked door handle, and I'm hitting the unlock button before I know it. She opens the door and climbs in, shutting it behind her.

I'm staring down at my lap when I hear her clear her throat. "Hey."

"Hey," I mumble.

"Why are you here?"

"I wanted to be alone. I won't come here again if you don't want me to."

"No, it's fine," she mumbles. "I'm sorry."

"Okay," I whisper, avoiding eye contact with her, so she doesn't notice my face.

"You don't forgive me, do you?"

I take a deep breath. Obviously, I do, but I don't want to forgive her without knowing why. "You blew me off without even texting me. I got ready for you. I got you flowers-"

"I know. They're really beautiful. Thank you so much."

"You saw them?" I ask, sneaking a peek at her.

"Yeah, Elaine gave them to me when I got back. She also gave me the lecture of the year for blowing you off. I'm really sorry. I had to... take care of something, and I was too scared to text you myself. I didn't want to know your reply. I turned my phone off after I left Elaine's. I shouldn't have made you drive all the way there, though. I feel so terrible about this."

"Well, I'm glad you liked them."

"Alyx," she begs. "Will you please forgive me?" She grabs my forearm and slightly squeezes. "I still want to go on that date with you. If you'll give me another chance?"

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