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^their outfits!

Alyx's POV

A week has passed, and it's been a stressful one. I've barely seen Amaya since we ate breakfast Saturday morning. It's now Friday afternoon, and she's only been to school twice this week. And one of those days, she left early. We hung out for an hour after school the day she did stay. She had to do a run for her dad, so she left pretty early. We didn't really do anything, either. She actually needed some help with her homework, which, of course, I offered.

I've spent the week plotting ways to end her father's blackmail. The only thing I've came up with is snitching to my mom, but I'm sure he's a smart man, considering the business he's in. I've got no proof on him. And I'm sure he doesn't just keep his supplies out in the open. So if I tell her and she raids the house and doesn't find anything, he might think it was Amaya's doing and hurt her. Or her mom. I can't risk that. She'd never forgive me.

I've been driving myself to and from school all week. Mom didn't take it from me. She surprisingly didn't say anything about me not coming home after the party. I guess she was just too upset to lecture me and let it go. That or she believed the 'staying with Wes' lie. I'm glad I didn't get in trouble, but I just feel so bad for my mom. And that girl's family. Mom told me she was giving a live speech on the five o'clock news tonight to spread awareness about the drug. Then she was going in for her shift, so she wouldn't be home all night. She was unfortunately already gone when I got home from school, so I couldn't wish her luck on her speech.

Wes asked to hang out earlier today, but I've just been so stressed out, the idea didn't sound that appealing. Going home and laying in bed sounded better. I wouldn't be opposed to spending time with my girlfriend, but it doesn't seem like that's going to happen. I let a sigh out. Stop, it's not her fault. I feel like I want to drink. Or smoke. Something to ease the stress.

My phone rings, pulling me out of my head. I swiftly answer when I see Amaya's name.


"Hey. What are you doing?"

"Laying here. Missing you."

"I miss you, too. That's why I was calling, to see if you wanted to go somewhere."

"Sure." I honestly don't care. I just want to do something with her after barely seeing her all week. "Where?"

"Put some swim trunks on under your pants."

"Amaya! It's in the forties outside."

"I know this! I was wanting to take you to that hot spring I told you about before. You'll only be cold getting back to the car, but I'll blast the heat when we get back in." I contemplate what to do. I wouldn't mind relaxing in a hot spring. It does sound kind of nice. "If you don't want to go, that's fine. You'll get to see me in a bikini, though..." she trails off.

Shit. She knew exactly what to say to get me to cave. "Okay. I'll go. Where's it at?"

"Waterton Valley. It's like an hour away, but it's totally worth it. Even the drive up there is beautiful."

"Okay. When are you coming?"

"Hopping in the car now."

"Okay." I put my phone on speaker and climb off the bed to dig out some maroon swim trunks. "This week at school was boring without you."

"I'm sorry. I've been busier lately." I strip my pants off and pull the swim trunks on, following them with some black jogging pants. I throw on a gray hoodie and another jacket over that.

"I'm dressed now," I say, picking my phone back up.

"Alyx, did you just change while on the phone with me?" she teases.

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