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Alyx's POV

After leaving the room, we make our way back downstairs. The party hasn't died down at all. It actually seems like more people showed up.

"Hey! There you are! I thought you two left without saying bye," Elaine slurs, grabbing Amaya's arm and stumbling into her side. She wraps her arm around Amaya's, probably to hold herself up. "I told Ryland if he made you leave I was going to fight him."

"You never fight," Amaya says with a laugh.

"Well, it's my birthday, and I think I'm a little drunk." A little?

"Where's Kayson at?"

"Bathroom. By the way, where did you go?" Amaya opens her mouth but closes it. Her eyes flicker over to mine. Elaine's eyes study her face before focusing on the answer painted on Amaya's neck. She lets a loud gasp out. "Alyx!" My name catches me off guard. I look over at her to see her staring at me with wide eyes. "That's hella noticeable!" I just give her a sheepish smile.

"It took you a minute," Amaya retorts.

"Whatever, I said I was drunk. Don't let Ryland see it, or he's going to have a field day teasing you." I internally sigh. Yeah, I didn't think much about that when I was sucking on her neck. But still, I'm happy. I just hooked up with someone at a party. Never mind the fact that she's my girlfriend. Doesn't matter. "But really? On my birthday?" Her eyes flash between us with one of her brows raised.

"Sorry. It was his idea." And that, was Amaya throwing me under the bus.

I let a dramatic gasp out. "What? I don't know what you're talking about," I say, feigning innocence.

"You're the one that wanted it!"

"And you didn't?" I argue back.

She narrows her eyes. "Doesn't matter. We're talking about who wanted it first."

"And you're saying it was me?" I playfully tease her. It technically was me. I am the one that told her I wanted to do it.

"You're the one who said 'I want to do what people do when they like each other.' You're the one who said, 'I want to fill you u-'"

I quickly grab her, covering her mouth with my hand and pulling her back into my chest. I feel my cheeks heating up.

"Woah. I'm impressed, Alyx. Maya doesn't really tell me much about her sex life with you. Not that I want to hear about it but since you're special to her, she's secretive with it."

Amaya makes a groaning sound that gets muffled by my hand. I look down at her to see her rolling her eyes, but her cheeks are tinted pink. "Aw, am I special to you?" I tease. She lets another groan out. I can't help but lean down and peck her temple with my lips.

"Awww," I hear a different voice say. I look up to see where it's coming from and drop my hand from Amaya's mouth, releasing her from my grip. And when I see Amaya tense up, I realize I probably should have kept my hold on her.

Lexi stops right beside Elaine with a bottle of beer in her hand. "So cute." She doesn't really say it in a mocking manner, nor does she have a malicious face on.

"Hey, you decided to come?" Elaine asks her, her eyes flickering between both girls.

"Yeah." She moves her eyes over to Amaya. "Hey."

Amaya raises her eyebrows and looks her up and down. She steps back, leaning into my side. I can tell she's uncomfortable. I place my hand on the small of her back and rub it. "Hey."

"Thanks for seeing me the other day."

"Are you going to do it or not?" Amaya spits, crossing her arms.

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