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Alyx's POV

After we leave the bathroom, the bell finally rings, ending lunch. I go up to my locker and see Amaya down the hall opening hers. She told me her name was 'Maya'. I guess she doesn't really go by 'Amaya' anymore. I don't know why. It's so pretty, and she's so pretty.

I wonder when we'll hang out. Why does she even want to hang out with me? She probably didn't mean it. I don't even know what I would say the whole time. She's going to see how boring I am. What about her friends? Are we going to hang out with them? I can't. They're just going to see how lame I am. What if they make fun of me in front of her? Jason probably won't like us being friends, either. Not that he would be jealous of me. He just wouldn't want her to be friends with a loser.

I head to my next period, U.S. History. The front, where I usually sit, is already filled up. I move to the back and take a seat. I pull my notebook out and wait for the teacher to start. Amaya walks through the door, and my whole body tenses up. We actually have a class together. Damn. There goes passing this class.

She's on her phone while walking, and she looks up to find a spot. When she sees me, her lips turn up into a smile. I look down and blush at the fact she actually smiled at me. She smiled. At me! She walks toward me and sits in the seat on the back row behind mine. I hate how she's so close right now. I haven't even calmed down yet. I feel a tap on my shoulder and almost jump out of my seat. I swear I feel shocks run down my arm and back. I need to calm down.

"Hey, Alyx with a 'y'. We have a class together now," Amaya says, letting an adorable giggle out. It sounded so soft and cute.

I slightly turn in my seat some and say, "Hey, Amaya."

"Amaya?" Her eyes widen. "I told you to call me Maya. How'd you even know that's my name? I haven't been called that in a long time." She looks confused, her eyebrows pulling together.

I remember the first day I saw her. She came into one of my classes in freshman year to give something to the teacher. He asked her if he had her in one of his earlier classes, and she had said yes. He asked for her name again. And the prettiest name I've ever heard slipped out of this mystery girl's lips. And plus, it's in the yearbook. Not that I stare at her picture, but I do look for hers in the new book every year. I can't help it. I think everyone does that with their crush.

"I-I just remember."

"What's your last name?" she asks.

"Um... It's Reed," I answer.

"Are you shy?" she bluntly asks, propping her arms on the desk. Woah. She clearly isn't.

"Uh... Y-you could say that."

"Why?" She's asking me so many questions.

"I-I don't know..."

"Well, like I said earlier, we'll work on it." I peek a glance at her, and she's picking at one of her fingernails. "You have a phone?"

"Yes," I tell her. Why is she asking that? I feel my heart rate pick up even more.

"Let me see it," she says. What?! Why? I can't let her. My lock screen is literally an anime cover. What if she thinks that's weird?

"W-why?" I stammer.

"Just let me see it," she demands, holding her hand out.

I can't deny her. I pull it out of my jeans pocket and clench it between my fingers, extending my hand out to her. She reaches for it, and I feel her fingers graze against mine. I internally gasp but hold my breath, so it doesn't escape. They felt so soft. I hope mine didn't feel sweaty or anything to her.

I watch her to see her expression. She looks at my phone and taps the screen. She doesn't really look weirded out or anything. I don't have a password, so she's free to look at whatever. Not that I want her to! Wes and I talk about dumb shit and HER! Oh, god, I hope she doesn't read anything about herself. She starts typing on it. What's she doing?

"Here you go," she says, handing my phone back. What did she do? I grabbed it, and our fingertips touch once again, making my heart pound. I look at my phone that Amaya was just touching. "I put my number in it," she explains.

I think I just died inside. Definitely melted a little for sure. I have Amaya's number in my phone. And she put it as 'Amaya:)'. Thats super cute. She even put a smiley face. This day just got ten times better.

"Thanks..." I say, unsure if that's something I should've said. I don't know what people usually say after getting someone's number.

"Text me something, so I have your number." She waits while I text her a simple 'hey'.

She taps on the screen and puts her phone down in her lap. The teacher walks in, and I hurry and slide my phone in my pocket before he sees. He starts his boring introductions. I can't even concentrate due to just thinking about how she could be looking at the back of my head. I peek over my shoulder to see her looking down at her phone in her lap, smiling. I wonder what it's about.

A/N- I hope everyone enjoyed this chapter. Please tell me what you think! Vote if you liked.

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