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Alyx's POV

Of course we're having meatloaf for lunch again. It's not like the school knows how to make anything else. I guess it's better than nothing. At least, it's Friday. School just started again not too long ago. My senior year. My favorite class is definitely lunch, and I only come to lunch for one thing. And there she is.

Amaya Brooks.

She's got to be the prettiest girl ever. She always looks so beautiful. She's always got this bright, carefree smile on her face. I'm crushing on her. Hard. Like, it's bad. She's so out of my league, too. By a long shot. She's the exact opposite of me. Extroverted, rebellious, confident, gorgeous. All things that I'm... not.

I always hope I see her in the halls during the bell or outside during lunch. She's never there. When I do see her, she's usually with her boyfriend Jason and his friends. What does she see in him? I already know. He's hot to girls, hell, even guys. He's such a jerk though, at least to everyone who's not as good as him. I hope he treats her good at least. She deserves it. I know she deserves that even if I don't know anything about her. She's such a hard book to read. I want to know her. Learn all about her.

God, she looks so good today. Well, she does every day. What the hell am I thinking? Her boyfriend isn't sitting with her. She still looks so happy, though. Should I finally try to say something to her? It's been three years now. I've liked this girl since she moved here in the middle of ninth grade.

She's sitting with her friends Elaine Blair and Lexi Phillips, but none of her boyfriend's friends are sitting with them today. They must be skipping, but why did they leave Amaya behind? She always goes with them when they do. I wish he didn't drag her down. He definitely does. She doesn't seem to care about school. Unlike me. I mean, I don't really care that much about it, but I still work hard in my classes. I'm already in the top twenty of our class this year. On the first day, the school gave us a practice exam of everything we were going to learn this year, and I managed to make the cut.

The first nine weeks is about to end, and we're getting some new classes. What I would give to be in a class with her; I'd totally fail, though. All I would be able to do is stare at her the whole time, like I am now. I'm glad I barely exist to anyone in school or else she probably would have noticed my gawking by now.

She is sitting there smiling with them. Her teeth are so white, and her lips are moving so perfectly as she talks. Her blonde hair is slightly curly today. She isn't wearing much makeup today, either. Not like she needs it. She's wearing a gray hoodie and some black leggings. She kind of looks like she just rolled out of bed today. It's really cute. She doesn't even have to try.

I sigh and run my hand through my black hair. I need to stop. It's not going to happen. Give up. Find a new crush. Someone more likely to give me a second glance.

"What's the matter, dude? You've been staring off and sighing repeatedly. I even called your name twice," my best friend, Wesley Hatcher, says. His green eyes follow my gaze, and he lets a laugh out. I immediately look away and act clueless. "Oh, I see. Still hung up on her."

"No! I'm not 'hung up on her'. I was just... uhh... looking around," I exclaim. I can feel my cheeks getting hot. I hope he doesn't do anything to embarrass me.

Wes has been my best friend since fifth grade, but he loves to embarrass me. I think sometimes he just tries to help me out of my shell, but sometimes I just can't do certain things. The world is actually a really scary place when you grow up. It's not all rainbows and fairytales like I grew up thinking. You don't always get the girl you want, either.

Wes knows about my crush on Amaya, to an extent anyways. He thinks I just find her hot, but it's more than that. I mean, she is hot but still.

"When are you going to talk to Amaya?" Wes whispers, pushing some of his brown hair out of his face. "She's alone today. No dipshit guys sitting with her. Now's your chance. It's rare to see her here without them."

"No way. She's still not alone. She's with her friends. There is no way I'm going over there and making a fool of myself in front of three girls. I would die and then fail school because I would not come back." I put my face in my hands and sigh. It's already stressful enough just liking her. Her boyfriend, Jason, would probably break all my bones if he found out anyone liked her. At least I think he's her boyfriend. They're always sitting by each other, and I've noticed his arm around her shoulder before. Even if he's not, she's not going to choose me over him.

"Nothing will ever happen if she never knows. Just an FYI," Wes mumbles and gets up to throw his tray away. I do the same, and we sit back down until lunch is over.

I look back at them to see Lexi and Elaine talking to each other. Amaya has her phone out and seems to be reading something. She sets it on the table and props herself on her elbow.

"You know, it's also really creepy to just stare at her all day," Wes says, looking at her and then back at me with judgement in his eyes.

"I know," I say with a sigh, dropping my head down to rest it on the table.

A few minutes more minutes pass when Wes shakes my arm. "Hey! She's alone. Go!" He grabs my elbow, trying to pull me up from my seat.

"What? No!" I yell. A few people look over at me. I guess I yelled louder than I thought. I look over at Amaya to see if she heard me, but she's already gone. That's a relief. Everyone goes back to eating and talking. Wes starts laughing. "Dude, that was so not funny. What if she was still in here?"

"I saw them leaving. I just wanted to scare you some. C'mon, let's go get our new schedules for Monday," Wes says, still laughing. I don't know why I put up with him sometimes.

A/N- Well there's the first chapter. It might seem typical or basic but I had no idea how to really start the first chapter. I just knew he would be admiring her at lunch. He might seem a little weird but it's all innocent lol. Also his name is pronounced Alex still. I just liked the other spelling better for my story. And Amaya's name is pronounced uh-my-uh. It's just Maya with an 'a' in front of it. Let me know what you think and vote please.

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