Alyx's POV
She didn't come to school the next day. I tried texting her when I got home after school; she didn't reply. I assume she got her phone taken away. She said she'd 'see me tomorrow', though.
Friday, I wake up hoping to see her. She's not here again. Why? I send her another text during sixth period. No answer. I sigh and try to listen to the lecture. I can barely concentrate on anything else. Is she mad at me? I thought we had a really good time skipping together. It was great. She's making me nervous. What if something bad happened to her?
I walk home from school even more anxious. Usually when I'm upset about her, Luke does his attack, so I try to be more aware of my surroundings. I don't see him waiting anywhere. I slowly come across the alley he attacked me in. I don't see anyone. Maybe I can quit being so paranoid.
When I reach home, I hurry to the door and close it behind me. I finally calm down. I'm so glad it didn't happen today.
I want to text her again, but I don't want to bother her. I could just be annoying her. It's not like I'm anything special to her.
The weekend goes by without a word from her. I asked her if she was okay Sunday night. I didn't get any peace of mind.
It's Monday morning now and still nothing. I wish she could have said 'I'm okay' or something. Could Jason have something to do with her not answering me? He's such an ass.
When sixth period rolls around, she doesn't come in. Mr. Todd starts his lesson when the tardy bell rings. Class has been going on for fifteen minutes when the door opens. Mr. Todd stops, and everyone looks up at the door. It's just Mrs. Taylor. Damn it. I thought maybe it was going to be Amaya.
I wish she would talk to me. Did I do something? Is she regretful now? About kissing me? When the bell rings, I go to my locker and take deep breaths. I can't help but feel anxious about her, especially after she told me about what her uncle has done to her. And she's such a little spitfire. You never know when she's going to get smart with someone and start throwing fists.
After school, I walk out the doors and wait on Wes to ask for a ride. When he comes out, he doesn't mind when I ask. We climb in his car and he drops me off at my house. I see my mom coming down the stairs once I get inside.
"I'm heading out. I'll be there all night," she tells me. She pulls me into a hug. Woah. That caught me by surprise. "Be careful tonight."
"Okay? Bye." Is something going on? She tells me that all the time, but she seemed more worried than usual.
After she leaves, I go upstairs and play on my game. I don't even want to do this. I just want to talk to Amaya.
Tuesday comes, and she's not at school again. At lunch, I decide I'm going to find out where she is. I walk to her table as confidently as I can and approach her friends. Jason's not there but Lexi and everyone else is. I squeeze the backpack strap I'm holding tighter with my hand. I gulp, trying to swallow away the nerves. Shit. I can do this.
"Where's Amaya?" I ask without stuttering. Good start.
They look up at me. I glance at each of them and stop when I see Lexi glaring at me. I see a faint bruise on her cheek that's almost healed up.
"Hey, Alyx," Kayson says, pushing his brown hair out of his face. "Maya? I don't know. She just doesn't come sometimes. Why?"
"I just haven't seen her. And she won't talk to me," I tell him.
"I'd let you know something if she would text me back, but she hasn't. She loses her phone sometimes, though," Elaine says, looking sympathetic.
"Yeah, she does. I'm sure that's why she hasn't said anything," Kayson says with a smile.

Who She Is
Romance~MALE POV~ Amaya Brooks. She's got to be the prettiest girl ever. She always looks so beautiful. She's always got this bright, carefree smile on her face. I'm crushing on her. Hard. Like, it's bad. She's so out of my league, too. By a long shot. She...