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Do you guys like when I put pictures of the outfits? I like giving the idea of what I see when I'm writing. Of course you're free to picture it how you wish to, but I just want to show my thoughts on their outfits!

Alyx's POV

When I made it back home, I called Wes and told him Happy Thanksgiving and that my mom gave me the car. He was happy for me and told me how full he was from all the food. I didn't tell him much about my day. I didn't want him to feel bad for my mom being at work.

Truth is, though, I'm kind glad she had to work. The day would have went completely different. I probably wouldn't have got the car. It would have been a regular Thanksgiving dinner, besides Amaya being here, and I wouldn't have gotten laid. No, that doesn't sound right when it comes to Amaya. I wouldn't have gotten the opportunity to receive that pleasure from her. So, I'm pretty content with how today turned out. I also ended up falling asleep before my mom got home, too.

I wake up Friday morning and check the time. It's almost ten. Oh. I better get up and get ready for the day. I wonder if Amaya wants to be picked up or drive herself. I send a text asking which one she wants to do. She doesn't respond right away, so I stand up and stretch. Ugh, my muscles are kind of sore. Probably from yesterday. I flush when the memories hit me, but I push them away.

As soon as I open my bedroom door, I'm hit with an amazing smell of food. Yes! She's already cooking! I wonder what all she's going to make. She did go shopping earlier this week, and I seen she had a turkey in the fridge. I hope she makes her cheesecake. I freaking love cheesecake. I rush to the kitchen to see my mom in her pajamas in front of the stove that has multiple pots on it.

She looks over when I pull a chair out. "Hey. Good morning."

"Morning. What are you working on right now?"

"The chicken and dressing, and I'm about to peel some potatoes for the mashed potatoes. The turkey is already in the oven, and the deviled eggs and potato salad are already made in the fridge."

"What about the cheesecake?" I ask, a little too frantic.

She lets a laugh out. "It's in the fridge, too."

"Oh, thank goodness. You had me worried."

She playfully rolls her eyes. "When is Maya going to be here?"

"I texted her, but she hasn't replied, yet. She might still be asleep. I'll go call her here in a few minutes."

"Okay. Want to help me real quick? Everything should be done by twelve, one at the latest. But if you help me, it'll get done even faster."

"Sure. What is it?"

"Dice up the potatoes for me?"

"Alright, I got it."

After cutting up the potatoes for her, I go back upstairs to call Amaya. Five rings go by, and it goes to voicemail. Anxiety starts to make an appearance, but I try to remain calm. I call her a second time and once again, no answer. She's probably just asleep. She's not blowing me off. Especially not after how yesterday went. Yeah, there's no way. She probably stayed out late last night and is just asleep. She never did text me saying she made it back to Elaine's last night. What if something bad happened to her? What if some creepy fucking dude hurt her? If her stupid god damn father is the reason she's not answering, I'll-

My thoughts get cut off when my phone rings. I quickly answer it.

"Hey. I'm sorry I didn't answer or text back. I was getting ready in the bathroom, and I left my phone on the bed."

I take a slow breath in. "It's okay. I thought you might've been sleeping." There may have been other thoughts, but they were just me being paranoid. Reasonably paranoid but still.

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