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Alyx's POV

I can't believe this is happening. I'm actually locked in a jail cell. Still in my wet clothes, too. My hair is mostly dry now, at least. I have no idea where they've took Amaya. My stomach keeps twisting up in knots. What are they going to do with her? Especially since she's an adult.

A lady officer came by earlier and notified me that my mom was on the way to get me. I'm so dead. I hear the rattle of a cell door opening from down the hall. I lift my head up and see a male cop walking past with his hand on Amaya's arm. I scurry up to my feet and grab the metal bars.

"Amaya!" She looks over at me but lowers her gaze back down to the floor. "Where are you taking her? Hey!"

"You need to calm down," the woman officer tells me, standing up from her desk chair.

"What's going to happen to her?"

"He's taking her to make her phone call, and then we're going to book her."

"She didn't do anything. It was my idea!"

"Son, that does not matter. You two were on private property, fornicating in a car. You should be glad the owner doesn't want to press charges for trespassing. You're also lucky your mom works for a neighboring department; she talked the sheriff into letting you off the hook. She will still be charged for indecent exposure, though."

"Will she have to do jail time?" I ask, fearing for the answer.

She nods. "Unless someone bails her out. She'll most likely have to pay a fine and will have to pay to get her vehicle out of impound. She might even have to register as a sex offender." (A/N- I do not know the actual laws on this! I did a little research, and it's different depending on location. This is just some of the things I read online. Plus, the story is fiction, so don't quote me on this lol)

"That's uncalled for! We're just two teenagers that were fooling around."

"Officer Quinn said the whole vehicle was moving when he began approaching. That sounds like more than just 'fooling around'."

I look down, embarrassed. Fuck! This is all my fault. I shouldn't have grabbed that toy when it fell out of her bag. I shouldn't have asked to use it on her. I should've at least waited until we got back to my house. My mom was literally working all night. Why did I have to have car sex with her? Who's going to bail her out?

I hear a door open again, and I see Amaya being pulled out by the same officer. He brings her back down the hall. "Amaya! Is he coming for you? Tell me someone's coming for you." She looks up at me with a blank expression. Her eyes look so empty and dull, but I can see the fear in them. She weakly shakes her head, passing by me. I feel my heart drop to my stomach. "I'll get you out, Amaya! I promise!" I hear the cell door sliding shut, echoing down the hall. I wish I could talk to her and comfort her.

I sit back down against the wall and lower my head to my knees. While suffering in my own self-loathing, I think back to what she was saying before that flashlight tapped against the window. She thinks she loves what? Me? Was she really about to tell me she loves me, and we got thrown in jail before I could hear it?

Footsteps approach my cell, but I keep my head down. The door is unlocked and slid open.

"Get up. Now." As much as I don't want to, I look up to see the most furious face my mother has ever had. Her arms are crossed over her chest, and I can see the disappointment swimming in her eyes. She's still in her uniform. I wonder if she got the call during her speech or work. I really hope the latter. I'll feel so bad if I ruined her speech.

"Mom, I-"

"I don't want to hear it. Get up. Let's go."


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