Depressing Job

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Wilbur Pov

Wilbur sits in his cubicle. his mind wandering as he types. 'What a boring day in the office -like every other day.' Wilbur thinks, wishing he could quit and just, run away from his pointless life. Everything was so boring. life was crawling by as his ex fucked his coworker. What an asshole.

(play song if you want Ig) 

(idk the song in this story is talking about 

the girl he had a crush on previously)


3rd Person Pov

     The door of the office building open, familiar footsteps heading towards his desk. His boss. "Wilbur." His boss tapped on his desk, making him look up. "Heyyyy Freddie." Wilbur look at his boss clenching his fists. "er- I told you not to call me that." His boss looks at him, wrinkling his nose.

     "And you know what else I told you? Not to bring your guitar to work." Fred nods to the guitar case in the corner of the room near Wilbur's desk. "It helps keep me calm Fred! is there a problem with that?" Wilbur explains with poison painting his voice.

     Fred just scoffed, quietly slamming his fist on the desk. "Well you better not bring it in tomorrow, Someone new's coming in and I DON'T  want you scaring them with whatever you have going on." Fred motions to Wilbur, looking rather disgusted.

     "Oh? Someone new?" Wilbur queries, finding the matter interesting. "Yes. Her name is Y/n, and I'm repeating this again, DON'T  mess this up." Fred snarls before turning around and leaving Wilbur to his thoughts. 'A new coworker. finally something different than the usual.'

     which -if your interested- is being scolded by his family and boss. Not to mention Jared basically flaunting His girlfriend -Wilbur's ex- and overall being a bitch. 'Stab-able ' a voice in his head whispering, making him frown. He should get back to work.

(360  Words Poggggggg)

(gonna be honest, i was listening to Wilbur and lovejoy the entire time i was writing this. and sorry that your not in here yet, I just wanted to make sure that ya'll new this is wilburs personality in this fic lol)

anywaysssss- Toodlesss~~~

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