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(this song is just really good- sorry lol)

Wilbur Pov

He fucking scared her off! at first I thought he was just annoying, but if he makes Y/n uncomfortable I'll try and do something. When you were finally able to shoo him off, you started plotting. no, plotting isn't the right word.... planning, yeah.

     either way, you knew he wouldn't just listen to you. black mail?? no, that's to much..... I mean, its not as bad a kidnapping... for what though.... hmmmmmm, Cheating? yeah. it almost seems as though he tries to take any potential love interest from you- no, stop thinking about that.

     You realize that you've just been zoning out for a bit and immediately start typing to make it look like your working. you're really good at multitasking. but now you need to catch proof of him cheating, or just flirting with other girls. but chances are, Jared's girlfriend, your ex, won't believe you, and he'll definitely bring that up.

     video proof. yeah. i need video proof of jared being an asshole and he'll finally shut up for good. I could tell Y/n, would she help me?? maybe- but I'm not up for taking any kind of risk.  You didn't realize, but you were creepily smiling to yourself. you quickly relax your face and continue your work. phone in hand hovering over the record button under your desk, just in case anything happens.

Y/n Pov

I was focusing on y'know, working. but then Jared came up to my desk. you turn around to face him, looking very uncomfortable. "sooo, new girl, I never caught your name." he leaned on your desk. you sneered  "if I tell you my name with you drop the 'new girl'" you mocked his tone and kept a solem face no matter how much you wanted to laugh at your impersonation of him.

     "i don't think it's much to ask for a name~ and I think it's cute" Jared laughed and stared down at you. You look back with an emotionless stare. "I don't." his flirty smile faded. "well, thats a bit rude but okay. I'll drop the nick name." he looked back at me. "I can't believe your trying this hard but it's Y/n." 

     You glance at Wilbur hoping for him to help you from the situation, but- he's...... RECORDING!?!?  your utterly confused. either way he notices you and stops recording and starts walking over to you. thank god finally. You look back to Jared who was talking about some nonsense and getting creepily close to your face.

     Wilbur makes it over to us and says something, "Oh N/n! (Nick Name) I've been wanting to talk to you about something- do you think we could do it over coffee sometime?" you couldn't tell if he was lying or not. "oh- Jared! perfect Timing, Bossman Fred gave me some info for you next project, it's kind of urgent." he waved Jared over away from me.

      ok, he's either really good at lying or he was telling the truth. either way you smile at him and give him a thumbs up. you sigh in relief and continue your work, you don't want to be slacking on your first day. I can't believe this is only my first day, it feels like it's been a week.

(576 wordsssss)

(Please point out any misspellings! I want to correct them and it doesn't come off as rude to me at all!)

(anywaysssssss- TOODLESSSSSS<3<3<3)

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