A walk with your crush~ (plus Grace)

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Wilbur Pov

     She looked beautiful. her H/l hair swayed with the slight breeze and and her smile made me want to take a picture and cherish it forever. she looked magical. she looked like royalty. she had a poofy long sleeved undershirt with high waisted denim shorts and what looked like the same pocket watch from last night. she looked like a fairy goddess, especially standing next to Grace...

     you snapped out of your trance and smiled awkwardly. "well, lets get going shall we?" Grace interrupted. we were having a moment, and she had to ruin it.... you let out a small sigh and started walking towards a small, almost hidden trail aside with Y/n. she's so pretty...

     you and Y/n chat, Grace sometimes joining the conversation. it was quite annoying. "so Y/n, what did you bring in your backpack?" you smile, actually intrigued in what she brought with her. "well, I have a polaroid, a couple pages that I'll show you laterrrr, and some snacks!" she laughed a bit. 

     "can I take a picture of you?!" you rushed and then immediately regretted it. "uh- no- I mean- uhmm-" she laughed again and your cheeks flushed from embarrassment. "sure!" she continued laughing in her beautiful voice as she grabbed her polaroid from her bag. she handed it to me. "here ya go. you can keep it until we get to the end of the walk."

     you smiled. "uh- thanksss" you and her laughed together for awhile, or until you stopped feeling embarrassed.  Y/n and Grace started talking. while they were doing that, you were checking out the camera that was given to you. once you figured out how it worked you decided to try and take a picture of Y/n

     You stop them silently and they continue talking, perfect. you crouch down and aim the camera to perfectly capture her perfection. the shutter makes a sound and the picture comes out of the bottom. you grab it and shake it, nodding that they can continue walking. once it dries, you see the picture you took.

     It's beautiful. she's beautiful. her sweet, sugary smile. her effortless joy and perfection. her visible emotion. she's almost, like an art piece. you must enjoy her from the side lines. never interfering..... like Grace... I'm gonna keep this forever. it's to beautiful to give away. sorry Y/n.

     you catch up with the two woman and walk along with them silently. admiring Y/n's beauty. eventually we come up to a flower meadow-ish place. she pulled out a red and white picnic table blanket and placed it on the grass, motioning both of us to sit down.

     me and Grace sit on opposite sides of Y/n. what a bitch- I mean, I wouldn't want her sitting next to me but still. my attention switches to Y/n pulling a bunch of papers out of her bag. "ok so. this one is for making flower crowns, this one is edible flowers if anyone wants to eat one-" me and grace started dying of laughter and Y/n almost immediately joined us.

     "honestly, dandelions sound pretty nice right now-" your own joke was cut off by you wheezing. but eventually, when you all calmed down, you decided to actually pick some flowers, not to eat, but to make a crown for Y/n. so you could take more pictures of her- and just to see her in a flower crown.

     you sat on the blanket weaving flowers together while Y/n and Grace Identified flowers. You guitar case sitting by you legs- Your guitar!!! You quickly finished the F/f (favorite Flower) crown and called Y/n over. she left Grace looking at flowers, perfect.

Y/n Pov (First Person)

     I ran over to Wilbur and sat down next to him. before being able to say anything he placed a delicate flower crown on my head, they were (F/f). he then grabbed his guitar out of its Case and started playing a song.

Playing Song now:    I'm in love with an e-girl (instrumental)

     It was lovely. we both started swaying to the rhythm, almost in sync. neither of us said a word just listening to the music. the comfortable eye contact was nice. I felt safe, mostly. there was a little voice saying something was wrong, but it was drowned out by the wonderful music. 

     the beautifully made flower crown on my head, the slight breeze keeping our hair out of our faces. the way he strummed his guitar. I've always been a girl for the lover who would play a song for me. I felt so complete. so whole.

Grace Pov (first person)

     I heard music back in the middle of the meadow. I looked back and saw Y/n and Wilbur sitting close together as Wilbur played her some song. It looked sweet. but I had some pit in my stomach. like something made me feel..... guilty? sad? jealous? did I have feelings for Y/n?

     even so, why would I have this feeling seeing them- falling for eachother? did Y/n like Wilbur? did Wilbur like Y/n? part of me didn't want to ruin the moment that they were having. but another part wanted me to be Wilbur, winning her over with gifts and loving gazes. I wanted to swoon for Y/n just like Wilbur. did I?

     This is- so confusing yet hurtful. I decided to go back into the denser trees and look at pretty flowers. I- no. we're not gonna think about things that bring us pain. I'll deal with it later....

(981 wordsssss )

(getting into the drama~ who do you like more? Simpbur or Grace? do you like how this story is going? please tell me in the comments!!)

(I honestly love this story so far! and I love writing it even more!!! also can I just mention that Grace is a bit chubby, like uhmmmm inko, izuku's mom from mha)

(anywayssss          TOODLESS~)

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