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2nd person pov 

     You both sit and eat, you rocking back and forth in your chair slightly as Wilbur watches with a smile. "So do you have plans today?" You ask, swallowing a bite of whip cream and crepe. "Yep," Wilbur begins, your face forming a frown before he finishes, "Going to the winter carnival with you."

      "Oh yeah!!!" You immediately smile, embarrassment slightly flushing you face. Wilbur laughs lightly. You continue to eat, glad you decided to make crepe's instead of pancakes or toast. Wilbur just watches you eat happily, occasionally taking a bite and complimenting how good it is.

     "So darling," Wilbur starts gathering your attention. "Can we skip work?" Wilbur try's to ask before you shut him down, "Absolutely not- it's out job Wil!" you laugh, pushing away you empty plate. "But whyyyyyyyyy" Wilbur whines, stretching out on the table like a toddler.

     "We can't just leave to go hang out at a carnival dummy." You look down at Wilbur, holding your dishes. Wilbur smiles up at you, blush dusting the tips of his ears. "Fineeeeee" He says, smiling up at you. 'His smile's really cute ' you die slightly inside of wholesomeness.

     "Now." You put you dishes in the dishwasher. "I'm going to go wake up Tech." You throw Wilbur a sweet look before disappearing down the hall. He continued to stare at where you once where, a lovesick grin covering his face. Ugh, why did you have to be so perfect

     You walked down the hall, finally coming to the guest room gently knocking on the door before you came in. No one. You looked around. Nothing. You squint your eyes. whadafuq? You Leave Techno's room, walking back to Wilbur. "Hey do you know where Techno is?"

     "He isn't in his room?" Wilbur lies through his teeth only feeling slightly guilty- not for killing his brother, for lying to you. "No." You respond, making thoughtful expression. "Maybe he's out?" Wilbur tries, shrugging his shoulders up. You run to the window, lifting the curtain, "No."

     "The car is here?" Wilbur questions, knowing the answer. "No." You look back to Wilbur, who's finishing his breakfast nonchalantly. "Maybe he took the bus?" Wilbur shrugs. "Maybe." You sigh. "I'm going to change for work. Call me when your ready." You say, Heading to the bathroom.

     Wilbur nods, still chewing as you walk away. 'It's going to be fine Wilbur. It's all worth it in the end.' Wilbur comforts himself, putting his own dishes in the dishwasher. 'You'll have to see her mourn but she never really cared about him anyway. She only loves you at the end of the day.'

'You only love Wilbur at the end of the day.... Not Grace, Not Technoblade, Not Fred, Not Alex. Only Wilbur.'


     "You ready to go?" Wilbur smiled down at you laying on the couch. "Yeaup" You push yourself up. putting your phone in your pocket as you stand. He quickly walks over to the door, opening it for you as you shoot him a half hearted smile and keep walking to his car.

     He rushes to catch up with you, entering the car at the same time as you. "Hey can you check when the Festival closes for the night?"  Wilbur asks you as he pulls out of his driveway and starts heading towards your workplace. You pull out your phone, immediately going to the website and checking their schedule.

     "Wednesday September 21st to Monday October 10th. 9am to midnight." You respond flatly. "I guess they try and set up the festival in the time span of the first snow day." You shrug, looking at the bio of the website. "That's cool. It always confused me why they never put it in December or something like that!" He laughed slightly.

      You hummed in response, as Wilbur drove. The rest of the ride was silent beside the almost mute music that played from the radio station. When Wilbur parked before he got out of the car he put his hand atop yours. "Are you okay darling? you've been awful quiet."

     Wilbur put on his gentleman façade. "'m just worried.." Your turn away, not making eye contact as you get out of the car and wait for Wilbur before you both walk to the office. While he appreciated you waiting for him he was a bit jealous of how worried you were for his brother.

     I mean, he was dead for one thing. And you had known Wilbur way longer than Techno. It was unfair how much you cared for him and not Wilbur. I mean, ofcourse if Wilbur went missing you would care. right? "Hey darling," Wilbur looks to you as you both walk to the office.

     You turn to him, subtlely raising an eyebrow. "Would you care if I went missing?" Wilbur asks, copying the face of a sad puppy. "hypothetically ofcour-" "What!? Wilbur ofcourse I would care! I care about you Wilbur your my closest friend!" You interrupt, stopping him in the sidewalk.

     You place your hand on Wilbur's cheek. He leaned into the touch blushing a steady red though the friend part sent a pang to his heart. He didn't mind, he could take the scenic route to your heart. "Ofcourse I would care if you went missing." You reassured again, quieter this time.

     He looked to you, his eyes slightly hooded. He could get high of off your approval. he's pretty sure if you said you loved him he would pass out and wake up with a hangover. "Now, lets go inside. I don't want to be late because of your 'hypotheticals'" you said with a sliver of a smile as you grabbed Wilbur hand and kept walking.

     You know what Wilbur said about being high from your love? Yeah well, he's pretty sure he needs to go to rehab now. because your warm hands delicately wrapping around his slightly calloused freezing hands was definitely a addiction. 

( 1020 words :))

( heyyyyyyy I be writing B] im so cool. now follow me🔫)

anygayssssssssssssssss                                        toodlesssss<3

DISCONTINUED I Love You, I Love you, I Loved You. (simpbur x Fem!reader)Where stories live. Discover now