Sleeping Over-

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Y/n Pov

     "S-Sure." Wilbur replied "where exactly am I gonna be sleeping?" He let out a small laugh. "Eh, where ever, I don't mind." You shrugged, washing your mug. "Cleaning just gives me something to do other than sulk!" You laughed. 

     You walked over to the table were Wilbur was sitting and promptly plucked the empty mug from his hands to wash it. Comfortable silence floated around the air before Wilbur piped up. "So, you really live here all alone?" His question was genuine but it made you laugh.

     "Wow, harsh much- but yeah, I'm thinking of getting a roommate." You placed the clean mug down and walked back over to Wilbur to sit down. "Nice. But you should really get to bed. We have to wake up in like, 6 hours." He said. "Wha- you have to sleep too!! We both have to wake up at 8!!!"

     "I am practiced in the art of sleep deprevation!" He laughed. You ended up laughing too. "Ugh, fine. Don't go through all my coffee grinds though. G'Night." You waved, walking towards your bedroom to sleep.

<wilb pov>

     She walked towards her room and dissappeared into the shadows. I waited a good couple minutes before I stood up from my seat and started walking towards the rooms that I've never seen. I came to a living room and searched around. 

     I found little notes on things that you probably used to remind yourself. Cute. I looked at the shelves of books, looking for what peaked your interest. Turns out it's Greek mythology, specifically Dionysus and Theseus. 

     I also found atleast two books that just contained aesthetic pictures with certain pages and peices that you cut out. I continued to look around but found nothing interesting. Eventually I was drawn to the dinning room. Your Diary. Or journal but whatever.

     I approached the small table and towered over the book. It had delicate swirls that you painted in mint and lavender. I delicately picked up the book, as if worried about it crumbling between your fingers. I flipped it open to see a cover page that was cover in mushrooms that you had painted.

     Among the mushrooms was 'Y/n's Journal' written on it along with many swirly hearts. I then flipped to the bookmarked page. It was a scrapbook. It was filled with pictures ripped from the books earlier and pictures from your polaroid. There was also some writing.

'Sugar candy and song, the sweetest Les I've met among, and for them I must long, for they are not where they belong.' Wow, I never thought of Y/n as a poet. I wonder who she's talking about. And 'Les'? Is that their name or something? I look over the two pages again. The pictures were of brightly colored candies and colors. 

(Haha, sorry I just couldn't help myself from making It rhyme- it's to fun. Also, please figure out what it means- I swear it's not that hard🙏)

     I took a picture on my phone, savoring the cute book page and checking the clock. Ah, 3am. I could sleep, and be productive when I wake up, orrrrrr, I could continue looking through Y/n's notebook- I think we all know the answer here.

     I flipped to the page before this and saw it full of cartoon and realistic eyes. Creepy. Cloud stickers, with scribbled eyes drawn on with a red marker. Spirals and stars are draw on in the same fashion. I look at the text. 'the stars are br1ght, they are Watch1ng, qu1te a n1ce n1ght, they are Watch1ng.'

     At this point I question the sanity of my lover. I glance towards the door to Y/n's room, half expecting her to be there. Nothing. I take a picture of this page aswell. Why, you may ask. Because as much as it creeps me out, it's art. made by my soulmate.

     I take a seat in the welcoming rocking chair and continue to flip pages until about an hour has gone by. It's 4, I need to wake up at 7. I should go to sleep now. Ah yes, the most nutritious number of hours of sleep, 3. 

     I first walk to Y/n's room to make sure she's sleeping well. She is. She looks so peaceful, curled up to the left of her bed, eyelids fluttering slightly. The right side of her bed looks so welcomin- no. No way I'm getting into my crushes bed to sleep with her. No fucking way. I mean, mayb- no.

     Maybe? No. Just for a bit? Just for a picture?  ...  fine. I walked over to her bedside, pausing next to her to examine her beautiful figure. She was wearing the same nightgown as before but she some how seem more, vulnerable? Her hair was sprawled out on her pillow as her chest rose and fell slowly. 

     I continued walking, realizing I was just standing over a sleeping girl and watching her. Kinda weird bro. I reached the other side of her confusingly large bed like, she lives alone??????? Either way I carefully slid myself under her sheets and sat down next to her sleeping body.

     I grabbed the polaroid on her desk and positioned myself to take the perfect picture. The moonlight that came from the windows made her complexion sparkle. She looked like a God. I quickly snapped the picture and placed it in my back pocket before laying down.

     I unbuttoned the top of my shirt because fuck thats uncomfortable and turned on my side to face Y/n. I nestled myself more into the covers and started to drift to sleep with pink dusted across my face. 

     Their still alive, she's gone, your the same, nothings changed, she hates you. 'your wrong your wrong YOUR WRONG YOUR WRONG YOURWRONGYOURWRONG WRONGWRONGWRONG-            Wrong.' nothing. The office, you and her, only us, together. She knows, she's mad, you made a mistake, killing them was the mistake. You failed....

You failed

(1055 )

(Hey! WHERE YOU WANNA GO IF YOU KNOW WHAT I MEAN- I GOT A RIDE THATS SMOOTHER THAN A LIMOUSINE- sorry... I'm listening to it rn cause it's so great. I also kinda wish the writers of accelerate would make a book of just little oneshots or smth. Oh yeah! The last bit was a dream btw.)

Anywayssssssssss                                     Toodlessss~~

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